Here's the scoop:
I listened to Gretchen Rubin's podcasts most of the 3 hour drive yesterday.
Podcast #180 Travel Hacks was the one that stood out. Most of the hacks I use to some extent already, but there was a listener suggestion for traveling with a pet. When it's too hot to leave the pet in the car, she searches the route for PetSmart and Petco stores. Both have human restrooms and, of course, you can take the pets inside. What a great idea!
GR's assistant talked about a book series she saved for travel: The Neapolitan Series by Elena Ferrante. Great stories, easy read. I downloaded the first book (only $6 on kindle). Why .... drum roll ... because I finally FINISHED that dark, dark book. A Little Life (I noticed I've been calling it The Little Life incorrectly -- oops). When you think it couldn't get worse, it does! Depressing from page 1 to page 820. I need something happy and fun next.
Back to podcasts .... I got a little burned out from GR podcasts yesterday so I switched to Oprah's series on A New Earth. I think it's going to be a great alternative to reading the book. The only problem is Eckhart Tolle is soft spoken, so much so, I could barely hear him in the car. I play the podcast through my phone and with highway noise, I was straining to hear him. I'll have to save it for house listening only. Or I wonder if there's a way to play it though the car?? I'll check that out.
I'm picking my grand-dog up tomorrow morning instead of rainy rush hour tonight. I asked for a SOLUTION. It's odd how often I don't ask and equally interesting how often the "problem" is easily fixable. I'm calling the carpet guys to change my appointment tomorrow so I can workout before I go ... be a FIXER. Simple, yet I used to NEVER think to ASK.
My day opened up today since I'm not taking the long drive. My youngest has a flex afternoon, so we're headed on a lunch date. A nice surprise for today.
I woke up feeling HAPPY this morning. It may sound crazy, but GLUTEN makes me sad. I've been liberal and quite daring with gluten considering my cold sore potential. Dodged the cold sore, but it was changing my mood again and I didn't notice. I can tolerate gluten, until I don't tolerate it. I've kicked it out ... again. When will I learn?? Maybe, never (based on my history LOL). Since I'm not snacking, the gluten naturally left and now I'm making the connection AGAIN.
That said, I'm heading into PMS and I can feel THE grumpy starting. Different than sad though. Sad affects me; grumpy affects the world!!
Last little updates. I deleted the PHB network from my computer. I have the membership through June and if I absolutely needed to get on, I could, but I'd have to work for it. It felt like a grown up, healthy decision to make -- goodbye, Jennifer. I also cleaned up my Instagram. If the account doesn't make me feel GREAT -- goodbye.
Oh, one last thing I forgot. GR mentioned she sends a daily email with a great quote. I need to find the sign up for it. I love a good one-liner for inspiration.
Have a great day - later gators.
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