Monday, January 7, 2019

Fickle as a Pickle

Posting hit a little speed bump this weekend.


I posted on Saturday a long post about changing up how I do my afternoon goals -- 5 days after I started it.  I was SURE of the change (the meditation gods had spoken), but then I tried it and didn't like it at all.  (Well played Universe ... laugh away ...)

Yep, fickle as a pickle.  So I edited the post and deleted the stuff about changing up the goals because it seemed useless.  I thought I wanted to switch to writing goals about that day, not goals about years.  I was wrong - I think.  Guess this is a learning process?!?!?


I started a post yesterday after hubby left for golf and, wham, youngest came downstairs and asked me to help him with an update on his resume so he could apply for a new job.  Ugh.  That was painful and derailed my post.

So here we are ... MONDAY.  Posting back to normal.  Family at work.  Me with my coffee and lemon water.

I might have been fickle about the goal changes, but I did a 5-4-3-2-1 and went to the boxing class on Saturday. Every bag was used.  Some people doubled up on a bag.  4 instructors.  75 minute class.  It was amazing!  The energy, fun, laughing ... got to punch with the pads (hand and chest pads).  I can't tell you how glad I am that I tried it.  I decided that while my leg is a problem, I could always modify so my reasoning for NOT wanting to go was really about feeling out of my element.  Huge gold star win for me on Saturday.  I can't wait for next Saturday's class!

My leg is still a problem and I can only box a few days a week without it hurting my arms (in a bad way).  I'm delicate, apparently.  That's leaving me high and dry the other days for a workout.  I want so much to try a run, but my leg still hurts when I walk quickly.  I'm really at a loss.  I think one more week of leg rest to see where that gets me.  The next option is a temporary gym membership so I can use the elliptical.  I can't do arms in-between boxing days - it's too much on my arms.  Ugh and double ugh.

I don't feel like I have my shit together yet. (I think the workout situation is a big part of it.)  I'm continuing to plug along with some wins and some losses (hello evening - I'm looking at YOU).

This is a GOOD week to turn the tide the entire way.  PHB call (only 2 left), RH RISE movie (Wednesday), tons of time for self-care (including dentist - bummer on this one).  No excuses and lots of motivation and inspiration for the taking.

Can she do it?  Will she do it?  Lord knows I hope so and I am trying.  Guess I need to DO, not try.  DECIDE, not hope.  Why does it sound so simple, yet it's hard as $@#%?????

Happy Monday folks ... sunshine, warm day, nothing on the calendar ... this could go either way (let's be honest).  My choice.  (Which is half the problem LOL)  Later gators.

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