Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Inspirational Meme to the Rescue

Thank you Inspirational Meme -- I love a good one-liner with the power to change everything.

It's that simple and that hard.  I'm working The HARD, hard.  It's time (and overdue).

And, because I report both sides ....

... keeping Inspirational Memes balanced and fair.  This is an oldie, but goodie.

Holy crap on a log, yesterday was a struggle and it started before 10am.  Witching hours all day?!?!?  With a day of NOTHING on the calendar (even my to-do list was simple), I can use that freedom for good or evil.  I knew what had potential so I proactively clear-out some junk food munchies in the cabinet and forced myself to stay clear of the grocery stores with my evil mindset of SNACKS!

I had a great meditation.  15 minutes and it went by so fast - I probably could have done 20.  Intention for the mediation - H E L P!!  I'm sick of saying I'll do better and then falling short.  Time to do better ... period.

The struggle started early with CRAVINGS out the wazoo.  I didn't even want my green drink (but I had it anyway).  This is by my own hand and I know it.  Fool me 10,000 times and maybe I'll catch on LOL.  I'm sick of telling this same story, sick of reading it on my posts and sick of living it.  Yet, here I am again.  Yep, crap on a log.

I'd give myself a solid 'B' for the day.  Not bad considering I'd been hovering in failing territory.

Why not an 'A' ... well, I remembered the Vitamin has a frozen mode.   I took a pre-measured pack of Costco frozen fruit designed for smoothies (it's nice, if you happen to need it - organic strawberries, mango and banana) and 1/2 can of coconut milk that was set to expire in February and made "ice cream."  OMG!  It was insanely good.  Creamy, not sweet and delicious.  It was my last can of coconut milk and that's a good thing.  It was a SNACK when I wasn't hungry - that's why the grade-level deduction hahaha!  (All in the name of not wasting the can of coconut milk - yea, sure that's the reason.)

But, let's talk other things.

RISE movie tomorrow night and it's SOLD OUT!!  Wow - that's crazy.  I guess Rachel Hollis is the next big thing.  I can thank Darcie for getting me in early for the RH craze.   I'm so excited to see it.  I haven't been to a sold out theater in years.  There's going to be some energy happening!  I go back-and-forth on whether I'm pleased to be going by myself or not.  Don't have a choice so no point in giving it thought.  I'm glad I'm by myself, but I kind of feel like a loser without a friend along.

I'm all over the map with my READING.  The book my bestie sent me (over 700 pages) is dark - The Little Life.  I feel obligated to read it, but it wouldn't be my choice right now.  I tabled GR Happier at Home -- I'll wait until her program starts later this month.  I decided to read the book she says is the reason she gave up sugar -- I thought some validation on my dessert thing sounded good.

So far, I DON'T like the book (about a 1/3 finished).  Why We Get Fat -- Gary Taubes.  The reviews are above average, but many say it's the second half of the book that's good.  I'll give it a bit more time, then moving on.  GR said it's a book about insulin and the body.  So far, study after study that I feel have a strong bias and focus on isolated exceptions that he interprets for the general population.  And, I agree with the insulin-sugar situation -- still don't like it.  Do better, Gary.

Last little fun thing.  I'm into VINTAGE clutches (and small) bags on ETSY.  I search for cheap ones - under 10 bucks and it's fun to use them.  I got a new one that's really pretty and in great shape.  I'm going to use it for an interior bag when I use a smaller purse (travel or a night out).  It's perfect for ID, lip gloss and powder.  Too small to fit my big phone, so I can't use it as a stand alone.

1970's - the fabric embroidery is so pretty

It's part of my "TREAT Program" (not to be confused with REWARDS).  If I have some fun treats in my day, I'm so much less inclined to turn to food.  (Rewards would be conditional on "good" behavior, treats are not.)  Program is still in development LOL.  I don't know why I'm dragging my feet getting this going full force.  It's FUN!  I think I'm still looking at it a little bit like a reward, not a treat.  (P.S. in this case, the treat is the search for the bag - I usually don't find one, but the hunt is fun.)

I've rambled a lot this morning.  Boxing class (with a my favorite substitute -yea) and an early lunch with a friend and my PHB call today.  I'm not a fan of an early lunch, but going with the flow.  It's going to be a great conversation - always is with her.

Happy Normal-Not-A-Holiday Tuesday.  Hope it's regular and fabulous.  Later gators.

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