Wednesday, January 30, 2019

No Snow, No Surprise!

Only rain -- I'm gloating in all my right-ness!!  This picture made me LAUGH -- wish I had been this clever :)  "Joy of a SNOW DAY in Atlanta"

I signed our house contract - OMG so exciting.  And still got a Trader Joe's run in -- not as exciting, but made for a yummy lunch.  I got the smoked salmon (not the sliced kind, the regular hunk of salmon) which I had over riced vegetables.  I tried the fresh bagged mix - broccoli, cauliflower, onions, carrots.  It was tasty to eat (stinky to cook though).

The Gretchen Rubin webinar was a bit of a bust.  Technical difficulties made it "full" and many (including me) couldn't watch.  After about 20 minutes, we were given a number to telephone and listen.  The administrator promised another live call and the webinar replay to be scheduled asap.  I think the value in the program will come from the monthly materials she posts -- interviews, videos, articles.  Even the Q&A I got to hear were all BIG things -- serious changes and sweeping overhauls. That's not GR-like.  She kept saying that and trying to bring it to simple, fun things (directing the serious issues to other resources).  It's the first run at this program, so who knows if it will be what I'm looking for -- $10/month won't break the bank.

February's topic is ENERGY.  That fits well with my needs.  I need to brainstorm some fun and simple things to try to increase my energy.  The big ones I already know -- sleep well and exercise.  I'm looking for something to handle the slump moments.  She had a list of easy suggestions.  I have a few videos to watch too.  Stay tuned.

Since we're talking GOALS, I mentioned I needed to make my RH goal-I'm-doing-now more specific and measurable.  The dream I chose to make into a goal and focus on currently is ... I am free from BUFFERING.

(Buffering is a Brooke Castillo term meaning using something to mask a feeling -- bored, sad, stressed, etc.  Often food, alcohol, shopping -- the usual suspects!)

(If you want to know about RH and her daily journal I'm using, RISE podcast #72 explains it all.  She reads the introduction to the book so you can do it in a regular notebook or on a piece of paper daily.)

Anyway ...

I'm "checking" off the day if I don't buffer and adding the checks at the end of the month (and calculating percentages).  This way I can see improvement or not.  It's working well to remind me I WANT the check mark.

Buffering is something specific.  It's NOT going out to eat and having a drink -- unless I'm doing that for emotional reasons.  It's not a diet.  Planning to go out for the evening and having a couple of glasses of wine is DIFFERENT than getting to a party and fast-drinking a glass of wine because I'm nervous.  That's buffering.  BTW, my buffering is always food and alcohol.

Buffering is NOT something that deals with emotion in a positive way.  A way you don't regret.  Going for a walk, meditation, reading, listening to music.  You get the idea.  P.S. Of course, allowing the feelings too.

It's been working well.  TEST TIME starting tomorrow.  My BFF is in town for business and coming to me Thursday evening until lunch on Saturday.  My family goes skiing leaving Saturday for 5 days (left alone with my own refrigerator!!).  Oh, and the Super Bowl.  This could be a catastrophic dive into WINE and CHEESE if I'm not careful.  Moving stress has me primed and ready and opportunities to overindulge are EVERYWHERE.

I'm making the plan Brooke Castillo style.  Pre-making the decision 24 hours in advance.  Tonight I'll have 2 glasses of wine.  Tonight I won't drink.  Tonight I'll have up to 3 glasses of wine.  I decide ahead so I'm not responding to an urge, I'm thinking clearly about my decision.  The catch is you can't drink MORE than you plan - period.  That's supporting an urge (continuing the habit) and BUFFERING.  I'll do the same with food, but not as specific since I don't know where we're eating.

This means I need to decide TODAY, what I'll be doing tomorrow.  Since I'll be driving to dinner, I'm planning ONE glass of wine.  Now it's declared hahahaha!  (This doesn't mean I HAVE to have wine. I can choose nothing too.  Can always be less, never more.)  No indulgent dinner either -- something on the healthy side (ie no splurge on pizza or pasta).  I need to feel well this week and I know what gluten does to my mood and energy.

Time to get ready for the gym (man, I hate having to go everyday).  I can't wait for my leg to be fit to run.  I walked the dogs a bit and it still hurts.  Dang and double dang.  This one is a pisser.

Later gators.

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