Monday, July 9, 2018

Week of ME?!?!

Maybe, hopefully!  The week is filling fast - I need to stick to my guns and fit in the FUN for me.

Wednesday is a 60 minute massage.
Thursday is out to dinner with a good friend.
I need to schedule nails and eyebrows to finish out MY fun for the week.

I slammed my thumb in a door yesterday and cracked my SNS the entire length of the nail.  It doesn't seem to be the actual nail that cracked.  It's super sore, but looks fine.  I think the thickness of the polish saved my nail bed (at least, I hope).

I found some decent watermelon yesterday and I've been craving it for over a month.  I ate a bowl full, and, wow - huge gastric distress.  And still happening this morning.  I tossed the rest today (it's just me home for the next few days).  Didn't expect THAT!!

I went to my "other" grocery store last night for a quick trip because I forgot to buy lemons.  I don't shop there often because it's always hit or miss with produce.  Lemons were hard as a rock and 79 cents each so I passed.  (That's where I found the watermelon haha, the irony.  Lemon for stomach health and ended up with a watermelon stomachache.)  This morning it's LIME hot water.  Not bad actually.  I really enjoy the hot citrus water in the morning.  Trying new things - I need to do this more often.

I finished The Staircase on Netflix.  Wow.  Super duper interesting, regardless of your thoughts of guilty or innocent.  Well worth the watch.  Now it's back to reading.  After I read a good book, it's hard to start another for me right away.  I might not be ready for the subject matter of the next book  (Small Great Things) - maybe I'll search for another read in the meantime.  Books often have a RIGHT time for me to read them.

Jack is meeting a family this week.  Either today or tomorrow.  Fingers crossed.  It's not one of those done deal things though.  This family is FANTASTIC, but I'm not sure if Jack fits exactly what they want ... stay tuned!

My workout is up-in-the-air until I figure out my stomach.  It's much cooler this morning so I can decide a bit later.  I might need to hang near a bathroom so the treadmill will win.  I still need to walk these boys, but I can stick closer to home.

This is an easier week - no big challenges.  That's when I need to be extra diligent, because I tend to work hard on hard things and mess up on the easy ones.  Plan in place; 3 meals; no snacks; Whole30 for the week.

Later gators.

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