Yesterday was a flop of a day. Love, love, love our friends, but they dragged out leaving all day and it was a NOTHING day with not my best choices of food. It messed up errand running and my self-plans for the day.
It's over. Moving on.
Today will be the recovery day. First a big, big workout SWEAT OUT! I need to sweat! Today is normally a boxing day, but I decided last night to forgo boxing for a home workout that would be exactly what I needed today (mentally and physically).
Also, no boxing because I wanted to sleep in ... for the first time in forever (yesterday was a later morning, but I went to bed after 2 am!). Hubby took care of the dogs before work and they came back to bed with me for a nap. I slept until 7:45 and it felt incredible. I'm drinking my morning drinks and then the workout. Dog walk to follow - even that isn't getting a priority today.
I have a late lunch with a friend at Zoe's Kitchen and then some rescue work.
Self care is TOP DOG today.
On the surface, this week is a drag. Service guy tomorrow, babysitting dogs for 5 days - trapped at home until next week. It's the kind of week I need to "re-frame" in my head or I will want to EAT some fun into the week.
I'm going to take a closer look at the schedule and plan some time for ME ... somewhere.
My coaching is finished with Holly for the Whole30 session. Last night was my last video call. I found out the PHB weekly calls are PHONE calls, not video. Good and bad. Video is kind of intense, but it's a great way to feel like you KNOW a person. I'm still oscillating between being excited and wondering if I made a mistake about this next program. I like Holly's coaching a lot and I wonder if it would have been better to stick with her coaching privately.
Anyway ... enough said. Hope to make this a good, solid week. Later gators.
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