Friday, July 20, 2018

Project Healthy Body

I'm all paid up and ready to start week of August 23.

In the meantime, I joined the app they use to post stuff - forum kind of thing.  Anyone can join (paid membership outside of PHB) and then there are private groups that are by invite only.  I assume that will be the small coaching groups.

Right now, I'm not digging it.  Lots of people.  Lots of annoying posts.  "I don't like my morning coffee anymore and it makes my stomach upset, but I drink it anyway ... should I change that?"  Stupid question that's not a question.  Then cue the coffee-bashers offering black/white opinions.  Then the peeps who just want to chime in and offer NOTHING helpful to the conversation.

It's not clear who are the COACHES and who are the participants.  So many of the participants have turned coaches.  That also bugs me.  Just because you are losing weight, you are NOT a life coach.  You've been doing this for 6 months - good for you.  That doesn't qualify you to coach me.  I lost a lot of weight too and I'm NOT a coach (nor should I be).  I know some will make that transition to coaching, but there seem to be a lot - too many to be believable that they are all life coaches in the making.

I think when the small groups get going, it will be better.  I can tolerate "stupid" a lot more when I get to know someone.  I'm a snob - yep.  I don't want to have to weed through all the NOISE to get to good information.  I know some of this is excitement (something new) and nervousness (will it work) and self-esteem stuff (can I do it), but I'm not very patient with it - not patient when I'm trying to get my value out of this too.  Don't pollute my water!  Maybe when the actual coaching starts, the stupid will quiet down some.

I have my own insecurities too.  Most of the posts and comments are from people in a different place than I am right now.  This is their first go at exercise, first go at Whole30/clean eating.  For some their success at losing weight JUST happened (they are continuing into a second session of PHB) - it's fresh and exciting and tons of before/after pictures.  I don't see "me" in any of the participants - yet.  I hope I find MY tribe (as they say).  A big sell for this program is the community support and people connections.  I hope I connect.

The coaches that I KNOW are coaches aren't very active on the site.  This is the month of their break between sessions and I think that's why.

I still have high hopes for this program.  I went into Whole30 coaching knowing a lot already (i.e. no questions about the HOW to do it, etc), but I still learned a lot about myself (thanks to Holly).  She's my coach for PHB so there's that good news.

This seems like a negative-nelly post, but I'm excited to start - promise.  I'm going in with an open mind (even if it seems closed from this post LOL).  Open mind, but not BLIND.  This is one small part of the program that hasn't even started yet.  Breathe ... patience ...

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