Thursday, July 12, 2018


I was really stressed yesterday (and Monday and Tuesday) ... and it was driving me batty.

After flipping out a few times, I decided to actually THINK about what had my panties in a bunch and DO SOMETHING about it.

And I did!

Thing 1 -- I was upset about crating Jack.  Strange, I know.  Little guy gets so upset and he doesn't need to be crated.  It adds to my stress about getting home quickly and running to let him out.  I figured Duke might bug him, but no one will kill each other ... so I left him out of the crate.  AHHHHH ... stress gone.  He was happy!

Thing 2 -- Jack gets me up to pee at night and then up super early.  I decided to change that too.  Last night I didn't get up to take him out (he should be able to hold his pee just fine overnight).  It worked. He went back to sleep.

Thing 3 -- I accepted that he will be with us for longer than expected.  I wanted July to be foster free and it won't be, but after he gets adopted we can take a break if we want.  We have 3 weekends in a row starting this weekend, that would be much easier without another dog, but that's not happening.  Acceptance (instead of expectation) helps.

Thing 4 -- I ran most of my errands.  Some I'll do tomorrow, but some needed to happen ASAP ... period.  I was low on toilet paper.  I had no lemons.  I was low on dog food (one kind that gets mixed in).  That kind of stuff bugs me to no end.  Little things make my day better (as I sit drinking my lemon water!!).

Thing 5 -- my SUPER long nails were driving me crazy.  I kept the nail appointment and all is well this morning - no more keyboard clicking!

Thing 6 -- I ENJOYED my massage.  No rush, no worry, no guilt.

Thing 7 -- I turned off my phone in the morning.  PEACE.

Thing 8 - I didn't do any rescue work.  I have 8 peeps needing to call me back and I waited.  I didn't do any new work.  The break felt good.

Final Thing -- I played my favorite song on repeat for almost an hour LOL.  John Legend - All of Me. I never really noticed the song and, suddenly, I love it.  It's pretty and peaceful and it made me happy to listen to it ... over and over.  (Podcasts weren't doing it for me yesterday.)

On that note, I might turn it on again this morning :-)  I'll probably listen to it until I'm sick of it (that's my usual LOL).  Later gators.

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