Good morning - yep, it's an early one. Hubby up for an early flight so we're ALL up! 3 dogs is suddenly easy though. Perspective!!
Amazon Prime day yesterday. It was kind of annoying since it stopped me from my regular amazon stuff with the website crashing. I wanted to look up a few books and couldn't get on. I managed to buy a portable phone charger to have in my purse - half price. The family has the large size and really likes it. Thanks for the heads-up Instagram influencers!
After the grand-doggies left last evening, I had the sudden urge to EAT ALL THINGS. It came fast and furious. Eat to relax (only 3 dogs now), eat to reward (I made it through), eat for pleasure (I was stuck at home this weekend). I noticed it and ignored it (after I threw out some shredded cheese left-over from hubby - just in case - just a little bit!!). Progress on that.
My stomach is still strange last night and this morning. I think it's ovulation time. The last couple of years, ovulation is like a mini-monthly time for me. Bloat, cravings, water retention. That might be contributing to my cravings last night and my stomach problems too.
Boxing this morning and I'm looking forward to it! That's a nice change - I usually am in dread mode.
I read an article warning of drinking water with lemon for the health of your teeth. Can't ANYTHING just be GOOD?!?!? I'll ask my dentist next time I go. Me and teeth - protect at all costs - I hate the dentist!! I'm low on lemon so I had a tea last night - I missed the lemon water. Who am I?!?
The suspense book I mentioned yesterday (Behind Her Eyes - Sarah Pinborough) ... OMG ... so good so far!! I'm actually in savor mode trying to read more slowly and make it last. I hope it stays this good!!
I got some yucky stuff off my to-do list yesterday and that feels good. More to come today. I need to get ready for company this weekend and I don't want to be pushed.
I also mentioned I'm back to TRYING to MEDITATE. I listened to a podcast, Minimum Baseline, recommended by my coach. It talks about baseline STANDARDS - just what I was telling her I was trying to figure out.
It's extremely similar to what I call my STANDARDS, but she adds a little more. If you want to start something ... exercise, meditation, etc ... start with very, very, very little. Enough to get you to do it and start believing you can. If you decide to meditate 10 minutes a day and never actually do it with regularity, 10 minutes is TOO MUCH. Think little and then go even smaller. Build the baseline. So I'm "meditating" 2 minutes a day. Don't laugh - she recommends starting at ONE minute, if necessary. I'm already an overachiever LOL. I put it in quotes because I can't figure out what to do ... breathe, tap, focus on a word, etc. I set the timer on my phone and voila ... it happens. I'm curious if this will be the stepping stone to actually getting into meditation.
Happy thoughts yesterday and it was a happier day. Go figure. Can it be this simple? Probably not LOL, but let's see.
That's all from the home front. Hubby is gone all week and it's a bummer to be on dog duty round-the-clock. It makes for a long day. But ... HAPPY THOUGHTS ... so I won't dwell on it!
Later gators.
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