3 days until our foster adoption!
5 days until the end of this W30!
I don't want to wish my life away, but I want to wish these next 5 days away! Sad, but true.
Well, turns out the rest of the week is "bad" ... windows are being opened continuously for painting and drying and doors are on hold until Friday. Color is questionable. New garage doors painted accidentally and warranty voided. I'm in survival mode ... end of my rope. Not enough sleep for two weeks, barely a minute not looking after (and looking for) a chewing puppy. P.S. She learned how to open the french doors to the living room. Smart girl. Poor me.
Dentist and my nerve pain this afternoon. Wow - fun day.
Hanging on. Maybe. Hopefully. 3 days.
W30 is quickly (but not quickly enough) wrapping up too. I have no plans for the "after." I want to be back into my Food Freedom but after these two weeks ... I want wine too and pizza and a night out ... and, and, and. Not good.
In other news, my new nail polish color came. I like it in the bottle. Looking forward to trying it next week. Looking forward to EVERYTHING next week.
I said no to GNI last night and I couldn't be happier about the decision. The dates for these two months backed on each other and we JUST had GNI. This one was at a very good friend's house, but outside the neighborhood. I'd normally push to go since she's a good friend but with puppy, contractors, W30 ... there would be no enjoying the evening and I would've been a complete bump-on-the-log. Hating every minute as I fantasized of sleep. Sometimes saying NO is saying YES to what I need.
I have a lift workout today. I'm canceling tomorrow's class so I can run on the treadmill. I feel the need for a big sweat and some mental zoning out time. I'll go to Saturday circuit.
That's all from the puppy-contractor-W30 loop that I'm living again today. Round and round I go ... hanging on for dear life lol!
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