Wednesday, July 5, 2017


Rhyme had her best night last night.  Very few barking moments and she quieted as soon as I said "no."  Up at 1:30am to pee.  Slept until 5:30am.  I can live with that -- she bought herself a reprieve from the lower level crate.

The day was better than expected too.  No dog fights, ALL potty outside, good walks.  Yes, I got rained on (including at 1:30am).  Yes, I got too much sun.  Yes, it was hot as crap out.  Yes, I added to my bug bite collection (even with the heavy-hitter spray on).  Yes, I stayed in crappy clothes all day.  Yes, I picked up tons of poop.  But it was a win of a day.  This might be okay after all.

We also survived fireworks.  Everywhere!  My pup freaks out.  Rhyme wasn't super bothered by them.  Her fears are mainly people based - so sad.

Golf was good - even after bitching about it.  I "fixed" my problem with my fairway irons and was hitting well.  Reading the greens like a champ too.

Monthly pains should be mostly over today.

Life is looking up.  But it's hitting an all time hot today - ugh - those midday walks are going to suck.  Can't win them all.

Whole30 is still plugging along.  I haven't had anytime to think about snacking.  Drinking doesn't even interest me right now either.  I want sleep above anything else.  And I need to be semi-coherent during the night.  Food coma or too much wine just can't happen while taking care of a puppy.

My workout today is a short treadmill interval run.  Nothing major because I have a string of days in a row without a rest day.  I don't know what lifting will focus on tomorrow, so I'm just doing a quick cardio to get my sweat on and my mood happy (I have a few new songs on my playlist - fun).

This afternoon is cleaning crew day aka back-saving day.  They are a good crew.  I have to prep for them this afternoon.

That is all.  Plain Jane day.  I'll take it.  I need it.  Plus my house will be clean for 5 minutes today.  Hope we ALL have a great day - you too cyber world!!

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