Monday, July 17, 2017

Raining Monday Morning.

I'm up early - boo.  3 contractors coming this morning.  The list of broken shit in our house is mind-boggling.  Hubby and I just laugh now.  Karma or the Universe or a 15 year old house is having a good old time at our EXPENSE ($$$$).

Fingers crossed that some of this stuff gets fixed today.

Game of Thrones - AWESOME!  Winter came.  We watched the final two episode of the previous season to get us back in the spirit of things (old people minds can't remember that much for that long) and then the season premier.  No spoilers here - but it was GOOD!!

I was up later than I should be, snacked on chicken and watermelon.  But, hey, stayed on program and  resisted cookie brownies, cheese, chocolate candy.  I consider this a win -  a big win.

My body feels like it's been plowed over this morning.  I barely want to hold up my arms to type this post.  I got sleep, but I need SLEEP.  Tonight will be the night.  Bed early, sleep late.  The mega sleep is coming.  Fortunately, I have a workout rest day today.  The substitute class that I canceled ended up being a good thing for me.

This week is all about getting back to normal.  A bunch of house chores and a restock on the usual grocery store loop.  I have a lunch with a friend.  Maybe a pedicure. (I don't like the color and my nails are too long already).  Friday starts a busy, fun weekend.  I want to be rested mentally and physically so I make good choices, enjoy the fun and keep my feeling good going.

Even in the chaos of this morning's broken EVERYTHING, life is so much more relaxing.  I love my foster and I love she has her happy home and I love my easy old man dog and I love that I can just sit here.  You need both sides of life to appreciate it all - the crazy and the peaceful.

Later gators.

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