Sunday, July 9, 2017

Sunday "Funday"

I love my little foster.  Her happy wagging tail when she sees me (she used to be terrified of me).  Little lick kisses when she's on my lap.  Her excitement to go for a walk.  Her sweet sleeping face.  Puppy zoomies.  It's all AWESOME!

BUT I can not wait for this little girl to go to her forever home!  I need SLEEP!  I need to RELAX!  Puppies are WORK!  One more week ... then I'll boohoo over missing her lol.

I made a new recipe last night.  WellFed African stew (recipe here).  It's an unusual flavor profile for me and initially I thought I wouldn't like it - tasted too much like raw sunflower seeds. After it cooled and sat for a bit - yum - and spicy!  Much better.  I pureed the sauce and it's smooth, thick -- delicious!  I'll freeze some of it today.  P.S. the steak for dinner was delicious too (recipe here).  I didn't make the salsa though.

Today is a whole lot of nothing.  Arm day at home.  My legs are toast from yesterday.  Then "chilling" with the dogs (aka running around like crazy watching a puppy).  I'm already dreaming of bed.

Hubby has to work again today (moving into new offices).  He and my eldest are playing golf later this afternoon - I took a pass.  Me and hot, humid, bug-infested, outside summer in GA aren't a good match.  I'm getting plenty of "nature" thanks to a puppy.

The nail polish came in the mail, but I don't think I have enough drying time to try it this week.  I might give it a go if I'm feel like living on the edge 💅.  (I had to mention so I could use this emoji!) My nails are looking a lot healthier giving the gel a break.

I'm on Day 21 of W30.  Running after a puppy is definitely a distraction from snacking.  It's made for a relatively easy go of things.  I'm in the HAPPENING zone now.  Final stretch where you feel good.

My goal was to be back to feeling well - success.  My other goal was to be back to my Food Freedom (W30 term) while I continue to feel well.  That's why these last 9 days are important - build the routine.

For me, what works best is super duper limiting sweets (once I start, I can't stop).  Moderating grains (i.e. save for pizza!).  Moderating dairy (i.e. save for pizza).  Drinking occasionally and sticking to wine (no fancy, sweet mixers).  I feel great when I follow this direction and I also don't feel like I'm missing out - at all - Food Freedom!  I did so well with this until our mega vacations this spring.  Went off the rails.  While it felt fun at the time, I felt crappy - really crappy.  Italy was worth it.  The post-Italy binge was NOT.

I fall down.  I get up ... again and again.  I wish I would fall less.

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