Sunday, July 16, 2017


Bailey is HAPPY!  She played all day, went for a family walk, cuddled on laps and is napping in her new bed as I type this.  My heart is full for this sweet girl.  She's found her people (and her dogs)!!

My house is back to normal - cleaned up.  De-haired.  My sweet old boy is HAPPY too.  Life feels simple this afternoon.

Kids coming over tonight for Game of Thrones (turns out they don't have HBO - oops ).  I'm making a little spread of munchies.  Hubby is currently at the grocery store looking for a decent watermelon for me. He's a keeper.

I can't wait to SLEEP tonight!  I hope I don't get so excited, I can't fall asleep.  That's happened before - I'm probably not the only one lol!!

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