Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Back to Reality

Yesterday was nice, really nice.

I hit about half my goals.  Productive alone time ... excellent run ... and some reading -- good job.  Then about 4pm I hit the sofa and the refrigerator hard.  Yikes.  Not a good job.  But overall, it was a good day and it filled the old tanks for the week.

My cold sore is in bloom - yuck.  The good news is it's mainly on my lip so not as noticeable as when it strikes just under my lip.  It's still tingling and burning so it might still be growing.  I hate cold sores.  I guess I should be happy my stress didn't make me sick ... just these ugly blisters.

I'm opting for a home lift workout today.  Lots of reasons ... house shutters being replaced, mammogram appointment this afternoon and my cold sore still in the VERY ugly stage.  Also, the endurance isn't great for me.  Enough reasons to do a home workout.

I'm moving forward this week on getting carpets and landscaping set up.  I got recommendations for both and hope to get estimates soon.  We need to get this house back in order.  After carpets .... painting.  We painted bedrooms ourselves, but this is the BIG paint ... ceilings, trim, two story entrance.  We can't do that.

The rest of the week should be good.  Lunch with a friend, finally the pedicure (waiting on bug bites to settle down - got more golfing!).  Youngest comes home.  Hubby is away a couple more nights later in the week and then out of town for the weekend.  Today is busy, but the rest of the week is good.

I need to do grocery shopping (always and forever) and some cooking.  I've been eating some freezer stash this week since it's just me.

Okay - I'm even boring myself today.  My INTENTION today is to stick with the healthy habits ALL DAY (not just until 4pm).  Later gators.

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