Monday, July 10, 2017


Good lord - it rains, it pours.

Broken refrigerator.
Broken AC.
Broken watch.
Broken car.
Broken purse strap.

Wow.  The Universe decided to dump upon us yesterday.  Bring on the repairs and say goodbye to the $$$.

Anyway ... today will be a busy day.  Exterior painters start today with power washing.  If you have compromised windows, you'll know after the power washing.  Great.  I'm sure we do (see above).

Lunch with a friend for my birthday (I had to cancel the first date).  I told her I'm on W30 ... I hope the restaurant works out ... she's choosing.  I don't want to be ungrateful.

Rest day for my workout - whew - I'm tired.  I woke up feeling like I'm getting sick.  Not surprised.  My body hates not getting sleep.

I don't like to complain about family publicly, but I will because I want to say I'm proud of myself for standing up for ME.  I have a cousin (and his family) who take advantage whenever possible and have the most undisciplined children I know.  I've been burned multiple times - I said never again.  They called to invite themselves to stay at our house as they travel to vacation.  Arriving late, leaving early - maybe dinner if they get on the road in time.  They live in chaos and think it's cute.  It's not.  It's lazy, rude and irresponsible.  Don't get me started on their kids who are old enough to know how to behave (or should be parented at least).  I said NO.  Yea me.  They back-peddled about dinner leaving it to a big MAYBE.  I texted yesterday to cancel even that (they'd probably do it anyway).  They wanted free room and board - not a social night with us.  No reply from text.  I'm proud I didn't let them walk all over me.  I was polite but direct.  It felt good.

I was able to polish my nails yesterday.  They look pretty good.  It's a shear pink.  I ordered another color too.  I might give my nails a much longer break from gel if this works out.  If I get a manicure every few weeks to give professional shaping, they should look nice.  The gel wasn't lasting more than a week for me (since my nails are so damaged right now).

I better get moving - dog walk, shower, etc before the outside fun begins.  Later gators.

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