Thursday, July 4, 2024

Summer Slow-Down

I'm improving -- slowly, but daily little bits that are noticeably better.

Tomorrow begins "regular" life with socialization, etc back in play. I'm not contagious so that is fine, but I'm still not very confident in my stamina.

That leaves me with today. Home all day -- nothing needed. I'm going to give one big rest day with a little chores scattered throughout the day.

And I'm going to read. I was clearing through my TBR pile and sorting out some books that were gifted to me that I don't want to read. I have 45 TBR books and about 15 on a hold list at the library. It's crazy. It's overwhelming.

I decided I needed to ditch the overwhelm feeling and let myself have a summer (July and August) of just slow reading and enjoying some bigger summer books.

These are up first. If I have more time, then I have a couple more in the wings. No rush reading. No pressure. Just fun. I got the idea from a podcast that talked about pacing summer reading differently. For some, it means a lot more reading ... others, a lot less. One of the podcasters said she uses summer to read longer books without feeling rushed. That idea hit for me. These are all longer books that will do well to not rush.

My only hiccup is I didn't realize that a library hold was getting close and I have a book on hold to pick up this weekend. I might ditch the book and re-up for a later time if I don't feel like interrupting my summer lineup. It's a chubby read -- almost 500 pages but so well reviewed. It fits the theme of summer reading -- so maybe I should take that as a sign to add it in the lineup. Stay tuned ... such suspense lol.

I'm extending the summer slowdown in other areas too -- for July at least. I feel hard hit by travel and COVID and need a re-entry MONTH. The goal of July is to feel back to myself by the end. No rush. No pressure -- while still expecting something from myself. I like this idea. A little self compassion. Picking up the pieces again. Getting back to my regular self feels overwhelming (and exhausting) -- taking an entire month to get back feels very doable. 

On that note, time to get my day started. Have a good holiday. Later gators.

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