Sunday, July 21, 2024

More Heavy Rains

My poor garden is a mess. Tomatoes bursting, slugs, mildew. Eeek. All rain, no sun, super humidity. 

But there's a sunflower from the wildflower mix. This little bee was happy.

The bees sleep in the cucumber flowers overnight -- when it's raining in the morning, they're still sleeping. I end up waking them up when I start picking. It's adorable.

Trip to Asheville is canceled. Heading to see the grand baby this afternoon. Hopefully this little puppet will distract him from crying when I hold him lol!

I'm working on getting myself back together. The election has me stressed like never before. I need to find a way to handle this -- ever since the debate.

I'm focusing on what I can control and taking Eckhart Tolle's advice -- right now, in the moment I am okay.

I've also been leaning on Martha Beck's work -- podcast and books. It feels hopeful. 

That's all from here. I thought I might start a watercolor book a friend gifted me, but the day seems to have filled up. Still more rainy days this week so maybe I'll break it out. Later gators.

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