Sunday, July 14, 2024

Struggle Bus

I'm kind of a mess still. My body isn't right. I feel sick at night (like I have a cold) and my GI is messed up during the day -- those strange associations with stomach upset and non-food items as well as oscillating between stuffed and starving when nothing has changed.

I'm craving anything but vegetables. I have to force myself to eat something green. Not like me at all. I know eating this way is probably not helping to feel my best either. 

Exercise is spotty. One day on, 2 off. No hiking, just an easy Peloton ride. 

To say I'm frustrated is an understatement. For a healthy person, I can't seem to catch a break -- back, shingles, now COVID. 

Looking to Monday to have a strong regroup and essentially ignore the problems. Do as I normally do regardless of how I'm feeling. Not sure if that'll work, but I'm going to try. 

Heading to the aquarium with our grandson today. Looking forward to seeing everyone, not looking forward to crowds. I'll be masked with fingers crossed. I don't want to catch a cold too.

I did more rock painting with the stack of rock I prepped many months ago. I'll take a few fish today.

I read this sweet book while getting a pedicure -- super short and quick read. A little twist at the end. I loved it -- felt like a bedtime story.

I also took a few library books off hold. The other 2 big summer reads weren't working for me right now so I tabled them. I swear this is COVID related. I have such feelings of distaste for some things -- like the thought of reading those other books is too much to handle. Geez, it's weird. Not just with books -- everything seems to be I MUST HAVE IT or I CAN'T STAND IT.

Started this on kindle on the trip.
I'll see if I can read it now.
No kindle reading yet.

Started this yesterday.
Almost finished - fun suspense.

Tomorrow is back to basics. Do what I know makes me feel best. I have a list I made in 2020 and it still holds true. A few things a day. Rinse and repeat. I'll see how I feel by the end of the week.

Happy Sunday. Later gators.

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