Saturday, July 6, 2024


I harvested the garden carrots this morning. I sprinkled seeds, didn't thin and didn't care for them at all. Easy as you can get -- and I got a pretty good picking. Some stayed really small because they had no room. The variety is a smaller carrot so the "bigger" ones are full grown.

I shared with a neighbor -- carrots, cucumbers, basil and tomatoes. I gave peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes to the kids and my aunt yesterday. It's fun to share and this year I've been able to really share from seeds, seedling, to vegetables. 

Did I mention I finished this book? Read the day I was resting -- so much for not rushing lol. It was really good. Not scary, but a well thought out storyline and characters. You don't see novels like this as much anymore.

This is the library read. It's good so far so it's added to my summer reading lineup.

I had coaching call yesterday morning ahead of my plans for lunch. I took the call in the car because I didn't have time for the call and then drive to lunch. It was about relationships and navigating prickly bits related to the issues with my mother. It was a really helpful call -- surprisingly so. I cried at the end which is very unusual for me. I must have needed it.

Lunch was fun, my aunt is fun. Then dropped some things off to my youngest and DIL-2-B. I was tired after the day. 

Tonight we're heading to dinner with friends. My least favorite thing to do with friends (I prefer lunch), but we haven't seen them in too long so this was the best option. I'll have a good time, but I'll be tired because I'm still recovery energy.

Hope you're having a good weekend. Later gators.

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