Sunday, March 10, 2024

Staying Put

Looks like I have a little head cold. Negative for COVID still. 

Hubby has a business trip on Friday and I won't see the baby so I'm staying an extra day. This upends my week in a bigger way than you'd think, but I have no choice but to go with the flow.

If I'm REALLY sick, I'll stay most of the week and cancel the hike on Tuesday and friend walk on Wednesday. I'm not feeling bad at this stage, just sinus congestion/pressure. 


I went to the teahouse with a new book. It was empty and I didn't feel unwell so I masked while ordering, and sat and had the chai.

A friend texted and asked what I was doing.
I took this picture.

I finished the book. It was a super fast read and I enjoyed it. A little snapshot memoir focused on gardening. I brought 2 other books to read -- one very short, one very long. I'm not sure which to read today. I want to pickup library books tomorrow. I guess I'll take a look at the long one and see if it'll hold my interest today. I have nothing else to do.

So what will I do today? Cleaning is finished. I shouldn't go out and about -- that's not kind. Maybe a walk? It's chilly and windy so that's iffy. It's only 35 degrees right now.

I'm super bummed. I have so much I need (want) to do at home and I'm stuck in Asheville with nothing fun to do. Luckily, I have leftover food still. 

There are worse problems, I know. 

On that note, I'll finished up or this will become a pity party post. Later gators.

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