Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Double Stuffed Day

As I've mentioned before, I'm trying to expand my definition of a day. A day doesn't need to be just ONE thing. Sometimes I complain about not having time to do the things I want to do, but that can be my own doing.

Case in point today. I have an all morning court hearing for volunteering. Then a few errands. Over the last few years, I'd call that a day, but a last minute hike came on for this evening. I registered -- doubling up my day.

The hike hits 2 out-of-the-box things -- it's rained since yesterday and is stopping just before the hike. I usually don't hike on wet ground. I need to get over that -- it's holding me back from hiking as much as I'd like and I can't control the weather for travel hikes we're planning so best to practice some weather conditions. It's also in the evening. Expanding my definition of hiking time.

Of course, the rain might ultimately cancel the hike if it continues, but I hope not.

I got caught up yesterday. Feels like back to normal schedule this morning. Hubby decided to stay home so it's just me for Asheville. I need to check on the house and prep for company next visit in late March. I know I'll enjoy being there, but I'm not feeling it right now. I think my monthly is coming up -- mood and sweats. It's a nice miracle that I didn't get it in Puerto Rico though.

Early morning so I need to get moving. Later gators.

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