Did I mention my sister and her family are moving to Asheville? My niece and her husband are moving next month. My sister and BIL are still looking for a house. One came on the market yesterday and they asked me to do a drive-by. That was some unexpected fun for the day. Got me up and showered and out the door.
Otherwise a very low-key day.
But, I'm a little tired of reading. 2 books in 2 days had me wanting a little break. I spent the afternoon watching the rest of One Day. It's as sad as I remember. I'll get back to the book today, probably.
I forgot to mention I found a "find" at the Goodwill on Saturday. This little covered trinket box for a couple of dollars. It's not worth a fortune, but it is antique from the 1920s or early 1930s. I looked up the stamp on the bottom and did a search. The picture depicts Sairey Gamp (a Dicken's character). I finally found a find at a thrift store before the vintage store markup.
I'm still sick and this is the running nose phase so I'm staying a final day to avoid passing this to hubby. I canceled both hikes coming up and will probably have to cancel plans on Wednesday for a walk and lunch with my girlfriend. I keep hoping I wake up and have turned the corner. It started Tuesday night -- it's up on a week and I should be feeling better soon.
No one likes to be sick and I know a cold isn't a big deal ... but between peri and my back and shingles, it feels like I can never get traction on feeling well. I'm just back up to hiking regularly and I had to cancel all this week's hiking -- 3 in total. And, of course, this has done havoc with my sleep too. It's times like this that I feel old.
I know it doesn't help to fight this. Accept what is ... and maybe this is somehow working for me in ways I won't know.
I really, really hope I'm well by this weekend to see the baby. Given how I woke up this morning, I'm not as confident.
And the final complaint is I'm super bored in Asheville with a BIG to-do list in GA sitting waiting for me. If only I was home this week I could be working on that list.
I lied -- one more complaint. My monthly is set to start any day now. Of course it is.
Hope you're set to have a good week. I'm trying to salvage what I can and remember to have perspective. Meanwhile, I'll just sit in my pity party for one lol. Later gators.
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