Tuesday, March 12, 2024

And One More Day

I seemed to have turned the corner this morning. Yesterday was a rough day. I stayed inside all day, quite miserable, but I wasn't bad overnight. 

I still feel sick (as in contagious) so I'm staying in Asheville today too (maybe tomorrow if I'm still feeling contagious-sick). I've canceled the entire week's plans and am resolved to let it be what it is -- also, I feel drained now so tackling a to-do list doesn't have the same appeal.

I finished this book. It was really good. Primarily about the 1980's Chicago Aids pandemic in the gay community. The writing and the story were both good. Plus side to being stuck here is a got through a bunch of TBR books.

I have one little book left -- I'll read it today. I have 5 library books coming this week. I keep doing this -- over and over.  So much to read.

I have to go out to get food at some point -- there's nothing left. I expect I'll be able to go home tomorrow. Fingers crossed. Hubby doesn't need a cold on his trip to France. That's why I'm being extra cautious. I think I can be out and about with a mask today without an issue. As the morning goes on, I'm feeling better and better, but I'll see how the witching hours go. I haven't taken any cold medicine since yesterday evening.

I'm going to try an easy workout on the Peloton today and (hopefully) a mountain walk before I head home tomorrow. This might be a little ambitious, but that's the push. Re-group and re-figure my calendar. I have lots and lots coming up. It's time to feel better.

Hope you have a good one. Later gators.

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