Sunday, March 17, 2024

Granny Time

I had such a good visit with the baby (and kids). It felt like I actually got to spend real time with him. He's noticeably bigger -- already rolling over front to back. It was awesome.

We thought he was looking more like my DIL (especially head shape), but I looked at my son's baby book and they're twins at this age. It's crazy! Genetics are mind-boggling. My son got a huge kick out of it.

Dang bots or I'd post pictures. His picture is on social media (it's not the kids' rule), but I feel strange knowing so many "robot" eyes are watching. Just know he's adorable (and that's said with ZERO bias lol).

I secured a dog sitter for our May vacation -- huge relief. 

Garden gets soil today. I can't plant until Tuesday or Wednesday because we're having a drop in temps, but very, very soon. I'm watching the Farmer's Almanac weather app.

I have more library books to pickup today. I have a problem. It's this new podcast (The Currently Reading Podcast) -- so many great suggestions. If a book has no hold, I can't delay the request. I could keep a wish list (I think you can do that on the site too), but I didn't. It's not a big deal, but the longer my TBR pile sits, the less excited I get about reading those books. I need to start alternating -- one current, one TBR.

I'm also suppose to have a catch up call with a high school friend today. Last 2 were canceled, so I'll have to wait and see. Chill day ahead of a full week leading to a HUGE weekend. Breathe.

Have a relaxing Sunday. Later gators.

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