Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Something New

I'm trying something new ... with limited success so far. Drying citrus for decorations. 

I couldn't find blood oranges so I used a naval orange, mandarin and a ruby grapefruit. 185 for 4 hours, flipping every hour. Nope. Turned oven up to 200 and STILL not dry after 5 hours. I left them in the oven overnight (turned the oven off) and they're almost there.

Mandarin oranges have WAY TOO MUCH moisture (2 slices in the center). Cute, but still wet. I started the oven again this morning and am leaving them in for the day (turned the oven off after they went in). 

I don't think this was worth the energy waste to dry them. If they're still this wet, they'll probably mold before the season is over. 

I love the look, but I need to find a better way to do this if I'm going to make them again. I read one article that said to blot them before going in the oven. That might help. I also think I could've sliced them a bit thinner. I'll dig a little deeper if I decide to try blood oranges which I think look the nicest dried.

Is it me or is citrus scare this December? None of the usual is out -- even at Whole Foods and it doesn't taste as sweet either. Probably all the wacky weather and the tough summer temperatures.

Hope you're managing the holiday rush. Later gators.

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