Saturday, December 16, 2023

C-Ya Next Year, Asheville

It was another good day, but my back is hanging by a thread. Dang.

Little Free Library install -- waiting on the concrete to cure. It's happening -- a quick 2.5 years and it's almost there :)

We did a Taco Friday by the river with the dogs.

Off the path to avoid some dogs.

Monti was cold!

We hung pictures. No luck finding something for over the bed (but managed another Chai from the tea house while I was looking). 

Left picture looks off
center, but it's not actually.
Both are pictures from
my grandmother's house.

My great-grandmother's
cookie recipe from her recipe box.

Some posters for the carriage house.
Cheap repurpose from my old office decor.

Crafting some cards.
I painted the frame and reused it.
In the laundry area of the basement.

If the LFL post is steady enough, hubby will attach the LFL before we leave. If not, it waits AGAIN, but no worries that it'll be delayed any further than the next joint visit.

I bought some pink Cava oranges to make more dried slices -- decor and cocktail garnish. That's on the agenda for tomorrow. I hope I can do a little better with the process.

Hope you are hanging in there too. Next to-do list is the final week until Christmas. Lots and lots happening for everyone. This was the last Asheville visit in 2023. It was a good year for Asheville visits. Next year is starting with an engagement -- happy times. Later gators.

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