Saturday's drive home was fine -- no traffic in my direction. Sunday was fun with the kids doing a few baby shopping and planning things. Monday was a home day since hubby was heading to Belgium.
I've been working on transferring the summer garden to fall and reading the material for volunteer requirements on Thursday.
Today is a full day of "work." Finally ready to plant the fall garden (prep work is finish) and I have the written exercises to do for Thursday (writing sample case study reports) -- reading is finished.
I'm still not in a good headspace. When I get in a stretch feeling this way, I wonder if I'm making the right decision to do peri without pharmaceutical help. I'm questioning everything. Yesterday I wanted to ditch the fall garden, quit the volunteering training and stare into the wall. Geez.
I'm forcing myself to move forward though. This feeling is temporary and it's a false feeling -- all hormone.
I'm trying not to get down on myself for the things I'm NOT doing -- reading, rock painting, Spanish, hiking, etc. I barely have the mental space and energy for what I am doing and these are falling away. It's not horrible that I'm taking a little break, but these are things that make me feel good -- and I can't seem to make myself do them.
As you might guess, I'm trying to rally today. On a Tuesday that feels like a Monday. Fresh start. I'll keep you posted. I know that getting my "work" finished today will be a big win. Both the garden and the case reports are hanging over my head and feel like pressure. Eat the frog first.
I'll leave with this picture of Duke asking for dinner last night. Later gators.
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