Monday, September 18, 2023

Early Mornings ...

This week is a week of (relative) early mornings for me.  Unless the court schedule changes, I'm out the door by 8 o'clock.  That's not super early, but if I do my morning stuff and workout and take care of dogs ... it ends up being early.

I had a good day yesterday.  Got a lot of stuff finished ahead of a full volunteer week.  Feels good to get little picky stuff off of my to-do list.

I ran at the park.  I'm so ridiculously sore today -- walking like I'm 80, but the injury seems none the worse.  This bodes well for a 5k run on Saturday.  It's with one of my favorite charities (Refuge Coffee) and runs through this incredibly diverse neighborhood.  Clarkston is named "the most diverse square mile in the US."  I won't be zooming at any record rate, but I should be able to do an easy jog and this is a great way to see the area.  This is my earliest morning by far.

I've somehow taken over my dying bookclub.  Not sure if we can rally, but I set up meetings for the rest of this year.  We'll see what happens.  I have a partner in this, but seems I'm taking the lead.  This SHOULD be temporary, but you know how that goes.  That said, if I participate, I'm glad to do my share of work too.  We've been a very small group this entire year and now 3 regulars have left (2 moved and one dropped because of a schedule change).  This leaves 4 of us who actually attend -- when we can.  Small and definitely not mighty.  Holding on through the holidays (never big attendance) and hoping to regroup next year.

Speaking of books ... started this last night.  WW2 and famous artwork.

I'm pulling myself out of this funk reasonably well ... EXCEPT ... you guessed it ... EATING.  I'm totally overeating at night.  Healthy food, but WAY TOO MUCH.  This is the goal for this week.  I want to report next Monday that I had a reasonable diet all week.  I know I will feel so much better (overeating affects my sleep).  Starts today.  It's a PROMISE so hell or high water ...

Coaching call this morning -- all about the shower and getting through some of the negative that's lingering (why don't I get what I want and everyone else does).  So many lovely life patterns lol.

Best get moving.  Let's start this week off well.  Later gators.

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