Saturday, September 9, 2023

Airline Troubles

Hubby's flight from Belgium was canceled -- mechanical issues.  They put him up at a hotel, gave a food and airline voucher and he should be in the air this morning.  He was lucky because he happened to be standing right in front of the booking agent when the flight canceled.  Of course, always safety first.

Volunteer training went well.  All the prep work was mostly unnecessary -- oh well, I like to be prepared.  I have reading for next week and a couple of court appointments earlier in the week.

I finished the circus book -- it was very clever and imaginative.  It took me a long time to read it though.  I was in a bit of a reading ebb.  

Dinner at my youngest and his girlfriend's tomorrow.  I found a fun hostess gift.  Little ornamental pepper plant for fall.  I got a white stone planter to set it in (not in picture) and I got one of the plants for me (of course).

I tried the Pirate Chai hot and it's delicious.  Totally different drinking experience.  Iced must not dissolve well enough.  Maybe you need to make it hot and then ice it -- might try that too.

Yesterday was a lot of house chores and things-to-get-off-my-list.  I have some research to do today for upcoming travel.  We might be switching up our family trip -- Ireland might be best suited for just me and hubby.  Maybe northern Italy and Switzerland instead.  Still researching though.

That's all from here.  Hope you're having a good weekend.  Later gators.

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