Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Put Some Life in my Life

I woke up with that phrase on my brain -- I think I made it up, but who knows :)  Put some life in my life.  As I'm pulling out of the funk (again), I noticed what helps and what's missing is DOING THINGS.

I know a lot of the life coaching is about thought work, but when I'm feeling meh and letting myself and my life get smaller, I need to be in the ACTION line.  Motion creates energy.

Yesterday was a big action line day and it helped a lot.  I actually think I need to get OUT OF MY HEAD right now.  I'm ruminating on woe-is-me, hormones are hard, life feels uninspired, why bother, etc.  

Time to get moving and remember to pretend to be happy -- pretending actually works.  Of course, it works because I'm not actually unhappy.  This is false feelings running amok.  

Maybe this volunteer training is exactly what I need.  Get out of my head a little and back into the world.  Maybe I've spend a little too much time by myself and for myself lately.  Out of balance in the other direction.

Hope you're having a good week.  Later gators.

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