Thursday, September 7, 2023

Big Day

Today feels like an important day.  I'm stepping into a BIG volunteer possibility -- something that I've been thinking about for about 15 years.  Helping in the foster world has been on my radar since I lived in VA.  I'm not sure this is it -- lots of road before I know if I'm right for it and it's right for me, but it's a step closer.  I hope this is right, but I'm not going to force anything.  That's not good for anyone.  I'm excited and a little scared -- so no matter the outcome, I know this is a step I should take.  I'll be attending juvenile court starting next week -- see, it feels BIG.

I'm using today as a launching day for fall productivity.  I've been giving a "theme" to the seasons and fall is PRODUCTIVE.  I have a lot swirling my plate and it's time to get moving on things.  Cooler weather feels like energy.  Focus on the action line.  (I see you, LFL ... )

I tried a new drink.  Dax Shepard (Armchair Expert) and Kristen Bell recommended a drink that's matcha and chai -- two favorites in one so it was mandatory that I try it :)  I made it iced.  Jury is out on this.  I'm going to try it warm and see what I think.  The drink has an after taste that's a bit strange and it doesn't completely dissolve so the end of the drink is grainy (directions say to keep swirling it while you drink).  I made it with almond milk.  BTW, they don't have a stake in it -- Dax's mother gave it to them because it's her favorite drink.

I have a planning phone call about bookclub this afternoon.  I enjoy this group, but no one holds commitments well.  I'm not sure where any of this is heading.  I hate to save the day, make plans, drive, etc. and never feel sure if anyone will show up.  I wonder if it's fizzling out.  The holidays make it extra difficult to plan.

Speaking of books, I'm finally deep into this one and I really like it.  Magic circus, love story and a mystery.  It's really fun.

Okay, I need to get moving.  Fingers crossed for today.  Later gators.  

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