Saturday, September 30, 2023

Catch Up List

I'm trying for a productive Saturday.  Not making promises because things are not going well on the mood and energy front.  That's beating a dead horse so enough said.

Maybe a list of things is easiest to type.  No particular order.

(1) Still worried about the bots.

(2) Kitchen day.  Salmon cakes, puff pastry pinwheels and banana muffins.  We're having neighbors over in Asheville so I'm trying a few freezer things to make it easier (muffins are just for hubby).  Not sure it's actually easier -- maybe I should've just bought something at the grocery store in Asheville.  Extending the invite is something I absolutely didn't want because of my energy, but probably just the kind of thing I need to do.

(3) Helping former dog adopters possibly get another dog -- lots and lots of networking this week.  I hope this means I might get to see them again.  They moved to SC near my aunt and always extend an invite.  If they come back to GA to meet a dog, I'll try to connect with them.

(4) #3 lead to a promise of making plans with another foster and her wife.  We keep talking about getting together, but I actually have it on my calendar to schedule for late October.  Again, this is a push with my mood and energy.

(5) Also gave dates to another friend who was talking in generic "we have to get together" speak.  Need a date or it never happens.  Another couples thing.

(6) DIL's grandmother died.  She had been sick for a long time, but it's still sad.  We might be watching the dogs for back-to-back weekends now.  It makes us semi-housebound and that kind of sucks -- two long weekends in one of the best months of the year.  Waiting for funeral plans to know what's going on.

(7) Youngest fell in shower.  He's okay, but the shower base is completely ruined.  I said it's like he's The Hulk.  Home rental business isn't fun lol.  Looks like we need a new shower base install.  $$$

(8) Taking Duke to the wooded trail to run/walk this morning.  Hubby is headed to help kids with things today, but I'm trying to not let everyone else's stuff stop me from doing things.  He was suppose to do this in the afternoon, but it became a morning thing now.  Monti has to be home alone and that's stressful for him.

(9) HS zoom call also this morning which I'll take in the car.  They wanted an early chat -- bummer for timing, but (again) trying to not let everything else stop me from what I want to do.  

(10) I have a stack of medical bills.  It's like insurance decided to go crazy.  It's probably the switch to COBRA that's causing all this mess, but it's a headache that I don't enjoy.  So far I've gotten everything resolved so hopefully that continues with this new stack.

(11) Onion grew really fast -- guess it was old when I bought it.  It's pretty.

(12) One of my office lights stopped working.  I got a new lamp from Pottery Barn Kids.  I like it, but the light is off in color.  I might switch it up with another lamp in another bedroom.  I'll give it a minute before I decide.  Or I might look for another shade that fits the room better and ties the lighting together.  This one is a mismatch.

I like the little dishes on the base
for painting rocks. The bowl is full.

Even though I feel in the crapper right now, I'm trying to action my way through it.  It's tough ...  I'm doing the best I can.  Forcing myself to make plans and stick with them -- not just social plans, but things I need to do just for myself (like a nature run today).  It makes me feel better.  

Hope you're having a good weekend.  Later gators.

Thursday, September 28, 2023


Hey there.

I was MIA for a minute -- the bot thing is still freaking me out.  Add that to a list of lots of things bugging me.

The great plan to continue a productive, busy week hasn't actually happened.  Things got changed or canceled, my mood is beyond and I've been eating like it's the last super.  Dang and double dang.  

Not even eating "good food" -- mostly junk food.  Good lord.  I know this is contributing to my mood and yet, here I am again.

I won't bother making declarations because I don't believe it myself.  I have some stressors that I don't want to share here (bots) and I've let that send me into a spiral.  I'm going to get coached on it because I'm really out of control with my internal reactions lately (thankfully and hopefully keeping the crazy to myself).  I might need to consider HRT.  It's getting worse, not better.  Anxiety acting like the fool.

Anyway, on the good side of things, kids had their 20 week ultrasound and the baby looks fantastic.  To see that little face is such a blessing.  

I have classroom training this morning -- at least 3 people won't be there because it's fall break.  Umm, I was told there's no missing.  Rules for some ... got to love it.  (See, I have an attitude!!)  

Other good news is I ate all the junk food so today will be better eating choices at least.  Maybe that'll help (it will).  

Hope you have a good day.  Later gators.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Yea for Monday

I'm the opposite of Garfield -- I love Mondays (since I retired).  New, fresh week.  This time it's not a "start over" week, it's a "continue what I did" week.  Even though this week isn't overly full, I want to keep up a productive feel.  

An example?  I'm walking with my girlfriend for a walk in the woods tomorrow.  It's a 1.25 mile loop -- all shade on a groomed path.  We're meeting at 10.  I'll get there early and do my "real walk" before she comes and if she cancels, I'll still go.  Little things like this come together to make a good day, week, etc.  I know the walk with her will be slow and short.  This way I get a solid walk (in solitude which I like) and a social walk with a good friend.  Double win.  The effort is making myself go early.

I know this.  I forget this.  I need to remember this.  It's always true for me.

And, give her a loop and she'll only go around ONCE.  She's funny like that and giving myself what I want first, eliminates my frustration about that tendency.  I wonder if she'll do that tomorrow too -- I bet she does.  She likes to stop walking and then go sit somewhere and chat.  It's the craziest thing since we're meeting for a walk -- even if the loop is super short.  I don't feel like starting up again after she leaves since we've sat for awhile.  

Continuing cold showers too.  I never want to when I first get in, but I'm always glad I did.

So what's up for today?  Covid booster, errands and volunteer homework.  Nothing thrilling, but I can make regular feel good too.

I liked this quote -- very timely.  Have a good Monday.

"Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall."  
---  F. Scott Fitzgerald

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Invasion of the Bots

When I took a deeper dive (with a little google too), this is definitely a bot attack.  Looks like it's probably harmless -- but I want to be careful.  Reader numbers are up and that's what I noticed, but there's another number -- something about visits vs reads.  Visits for August were about 150 (total) ... September is up to 12 THOUSAND.  Good lord.   

Invasion of the bots.  

We did the race and it was a lot of fun.  Duke was the FIRST dog to finish and got announced at the end and a huge cheering crowd for him.  That made me smile.  The entire run people commented on him and his running focus.  The boy was a born runner.  Fun fact -- I placed 1st in my age division (1 of 16) -- it's all about who shows up.  Any given race, anyone has a chance, even me.


Such an excellent bib number.

Really early arrival to get parking.
Someone was bored and restless.
He's going to sleep all day now.



I left a rock ... haven't done that in a long time.  

My leg and back are not very happy, but also not horrible.  It was worth the push.  "Choose the bigger life" was the right choice again.

Kids are coming over for footfall this afternoon.  Buying subs and snacks -- no work for me.  It should be a nice day with beautiful weather.  

Hope you're having a good weekend.  Later gators.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

5K Day

Today is the Race Around the World in Clarkston, GA.  Duke and I are jogging/walking and Monti and hubby are spectating.  Weather is nice -- it'll be in the 60s for the event.  I'm looking forward to seeing the area on foot.  Fingers crossed Duke behaves.

So something is bothering me.  This blog site shows me how many times a post has been viewed.  I have a microscopic reading number.  I write this as my own personal journal, but somehow a spattering of people found it.  All of a sudden, the numbers have jumped -- by a lot.  It's freaking me out that this is somehow a bot find (is that such a thing?) or something being used for something.  I read other blogs and sometimes they mention photos being taken and used for advertising, etc.

I could decide it's nice that more people are reading, but this seems unlikely.  Frankly, this has to feel boring.  Just me writing about my day with a few other ramblings.  I thought the jump would die down but it hasn't.  

I need to google this and see if bots can find blogs and steal pictures, etc.  Maybe I need to start a new blog or stop posting pictures of people.  Fame is too much hahahaha.

It's distracting me today because I logged in and the numbers were up again.  If it's somehow legit, I'd be happy about it, but I have no way of knowing.  I write a "blog" and I must be one of the few people who don't want reader numbers to climb.  I started using this blog site because it was a nice way to journal.  My handwriting is the pits and handwritten doesn't get pictures.  

Anyway ...  here's the latest library haul.

Started this.  Pro-tip -- library list was
so long, but less for large print edition.

My aunt's bookclub read this
and liked it.

Podcast recommendation.

I got another bowl of greens from the fall garden.  The lettuce is growing especially well.  The sweet potatoes look healthy, but I have no way of knowing until harvest time.  The broccoli is on the struggle bus -- even the one that wasn't eaten.  The leaves look unhealthy and it's not growing much.  Carrot seeds are sprouting, but probably won't be ready before the first frost.  I'll overwinter them and see what happens.

Cold showers are going well.  I feel decently good (or at least less bad) but that might be the week or hormones easing up.  Who knows, but the cold showers aren't bad for me so I'm sticking with it for now.

The new coaching program I started is fantastic.  Her coaching is the best -- she still coaches for SCS sometimes too.  I'd quit SCS, but if I do, I lose my status that gives me 40 minute private coaching and can't rejoin for another year.  And this other coach changes up her offerings a lot.  This is the first time she's offered a program with a monthly charge at a decent price point.  She's apt to change it up again when she gets her "gut feeling."  There are 2 zoom calls each month (at the lower level).  One is teaching with a bit of coaching and the other is 2 hours of coaching.  I can't attend live for a few months, but I really want to be coached by her.

Enough rambles.  Hope you have a great Saturday.  And if you are real people ... hello, nice to have you reading.  Later gators.

Thursday, September 21, 2023


I made it to Trader Joe's.  Lots of good fall finds.  Maple syrup, fancy vanilla, apple cider donuts (hubby), fall cookies (hubby), fall kombucha, decaf fall tea bags, big honeycrisp apples ... and this little guy.

I happened to be wearing a rust colored dress that looked like fall -- a few people commented, including the TJ's checkout person who said I fit the theme of my cart.

On the way to court, stopped at a long light and almost missed this.  As big as it is, I didn't notice it until the last minute.  I took that as a message for the day -- pay attention.  Walk until the day becomes interesting.

Big and colorful and floated
right over my car.  I grabbed a quick
picture as it floated away.

One of the sweet potato plants has a flower.  Who knew they flowered?!?  Apparently, it's rare.  It's pretty when it opens during the day.

Also, the broccoli plant that was eaten overnight by something is trying to make a come back -- don't think it has enough of the season left though, but I'm letting it stay.  Maybe that something will eat it again.

Little leaves ...

Library pick up either today or tomorrow.  Waiting on 2 more books that are shipping.  Once they transport to my library, I'll head over for a big pick up -- I need a good book.

I started watching Band of Brothers (Max) last night.  It's incredible -- my top 3 TV, maybe my favorite.  I haven't watched it in a probably 5 years.  It's so good.

I have volunteer class this morning and another court case got added for Friday.  I'm considering checking it out.  I finished my hours (with an extra 90 minutes), but I learn something every time I go.

Lunch was fun yesterday -- afternoon dates can't be beat.

I'm "decorating" for fall this afternoon.  Changing door wreaths and a few house things.  I usually forget about fall stuff until Thanksgiving.  Decorating is a big word for the little I do.  I waited until hubby was home to plan the wreath exchange because so many spiders -- I'm not taking a chance.

Busy week for me.  It feels good.  Later gators.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Early Bird Date

Today should be my final mandatory court observation hours.  I was at the court house all day yesterday -- 4 cases and a lot of hours.  I'm glad to have the obligation fulfilled.  I'll probably attend a few more times, but there's no pressure.  This week was jammed with cases because it's the week before fall break here -- really good week to be available.  I'm learning a lot.

Couples lunch date today.  This is a first for me.  Bunch of retired folks do lunch.  This is a part of "old age" that I've been secretly living my whole life.  Give me lunch over dinner (unless it's at 4 o'clock) every single time.  Couldn't be more pleased :)

Hubby and I are taking two cars because I'm coming straight from observation, so I might be able to make a run to Trader Joe's for all things fall.  My only hesitation is I pass 4 schools on the way -- probably right at the witching hour.  If I don't go today, I'll have to wait until Friday.  But I'll be halfway there at the restaurant and fall stuff is out -- it's tempting.

I finished this book -- I didn't like it.  Maybe it was me and I wasn't in the mood.  I didn't like the style it was written -- the flow was off-putting.  And I didn't really feel engaged with any of the characters even though it was suppose to be this beautiful love story.  Waiting on library books now.

I don't have much else to chat about since yesterday was all volunteer stuff and I'm groggy this morning.  Hope your week is going well.  Later gators.

UPDATE:  Well, the groggy was my monthly just 10 days since my last one.  Peri, you are not playing nice.  

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Cold Showers are Back!

Court observation is going well.  Up early for a full day -- all morning and afternoon.  I have to run home at lunch to let the dogs out again.  Timing of hubby out of town is lousy.  

I started up FULL cold showers this week.  I gave them up last year and just do a final cold rinse at the end of each shower.  Back to all cold and I'll see if that helps with my mood.  I looked at the mood-boosting list I made over the pandemic and this is one of the things that helped.  Can't hurt to give it a go again.  It's the initial blast that's so shocking, otherwise it's not bad.

Seems like everyone is getting home cold plunge tubs.  I wonder if this is something that will stick or we'll look back on the trend and shake our heads.  I know the cold shower helps my mood.  I'd actually like to join the trend, but I have chilblains in my feet.

Maybe the early schedule this week will help my mood too.  I was nicely tired last night and that felt good.  My mornings have been pushing later and later these days and I never feel my best when I sleep in.  My version of late is 6:30, but my natural wake up time is more like 4:30.  If I let myself go back to sleep, I wake up feeling off.  I've been doing that lately because of restless sleep throughout the night.  It's a cycle though -- sleep later, less tired, worse sleep ... so sleep later.  I'm curious how this week will feel.

Short and sweet this morning.  Hope you have a good day.  Later gators.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Early Mornings ...

This week is a week of (relative) early mornings for me.  Unless the court schedule changes, I'm out the door by 8 o'clock.  That's not super early, but if I do my morning stuff and workout and take care of dogs ... it ends up being early.

I had a good day yesterday.  Got a lot of stuff finished ahead of a full volunteer week.  Feels good to get little picky stuff off of my to-do list.

I ran at the park.  I'm so ridiculously sore today -- walking like I'm 80, but the injury seems none the worse.  This bodes well for a 5k run on Saturday.  It's with one of my favorite charities (Refuge Coffee) and runs through this incredibly diverse neighborhood.  Clarkston is named "the most diverse square mile in the US."  I won't be zooming at any record rate, but I should be able to do an easy jog and this is a great way to see the area.  This is my earliest morning by far.

I've somehow taken over my dying bookclub.  Not sure if we can rally, but I set up meetings for the rest of this year.  We'll see what happens.  I have a partner in this, but seems I'm taking the lead.  This SHOULD be temporary, but you know how that goes.  That said, if I participate, I'm glad to do my share of work too.  We've been a very small group this entire year and now 3 regulars have left (2 moved and one dropped because of a schedule change).  This leaves 4 of us who actually attend -- when we can.  Small and definitely not mighty.  Holding on through the holidays (never big attendance) and hoping to regroup next year.

Speaking of books ... started this last night.  WW2 and famous artwork.

I'm pulling myself out of this funk reasonably well ... EXCEPT ... you guessed it ... EATING.  I'm totally overeating at night.  Healthy food, but WAY TOO MUCH.  This is the goal for this week.  I want to report next Monday that I had a reasonable diet all week.  I know I will feel so much better (overeating affects my sleep).  Starts today.  It's a PROMISE so hell or high water ...

Coaching call this morning -- all about the shower and getting through some of the negative that's lingering (why don't I get what I want and everyone else does).  So many lovely life patterns lol.

Best get moving.  Let's start this week off well.  Later gators.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Strange Moment

A strange thing happened this morning.  I was meditating after a Peloton ride and I decided to turn on some music -- power ballets kind of music.  And suddenly I'm sobbing.  Heaving sobbing.  Not about anything at all.  I cried hard for probably 10-15 minutes -- hard enough that I have a post cry headache.  

My emotional state has been really unstable for a few weeks.  I've felt on the verge of tears a number of times.  Guess it finally released.  I hope this is the start of feeling more like myself again.  Hormones (!!)

On a lighter note, got my first fall pickings and had a salad of mixed greens.  Kale, lettuce, mustard green and Swiss chard.  

Trader Joe's used to be my favorite pepper grinder -- nice thick grind and easy to turn.  I've bought them for YEARS (maybe over a decade).  They changed the grinder last year and you can grind forever and not get any pepper.  It's also a fine ground now -- I prefer a coarse grind.  I bought another disposable one to try and finally broken down and got a pepper mill.  This is a comparison of the same number of turns.  I'm phasing Trader Joe's out.  Bummer, Trader Joe's ... it was a good ride.

I was able to walk with my girlfriend yesterday.  She almost canceled because it was overcast (texted to cancel) but I talked her into going.  She brought me a gift from her vacation -- very sweet.  We walked and talked and then sat on a bench and chatted.  It was good catching up and a perfect cool, overcast day to walk.  

The bottom tears off so you can keep the quote.

Today is a homebody day.  I managed to squeeze in a dog walk between rain showers.  I'm chilling, reading and listening to coaching calls.  Easy day.

I hope you're having a good weekend.  Later gators.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Changes (Dang)

I'm still feeling off kilter -- kind of unstable.  Mostly my hormones, but whenever "something" a bit unsettling comes along, I'm primed and ready to react overreact.  

I got an email after class yesterday -- the educator is leaving today.  The new educator is someone we only met for an introduction with the other staff.  The organization is now a man down too and I would expect the focus is on their caseload and less on the new training group.  I'm not sure how I feel about sitting in class, talking about next week and then getting an email 2 hours later.  I guess they didn't want that to be the focus??  But a smoother transition would've been nice.  Also, makes me wonder -- seems a little sudden and maybe there's more to the story.  I'm also not thrilled that the new educator has never run a training program before -- seems like it won't be as smooth.  I hope I'm wrong about everything though.

Court was postponed so it wasn't as long of a day as expected.  I have a full 4 days of court observation and training next week.  

Looking ahead, I guess having a down weekend it's horrible.

We also changed up vacation plans.  Our original plans were Ireland with kids, south of Spain using our timeshare.  Now kids trip is Switzerland and Northern Italy.  And after reading reviews about the timeshare properties, we decided it's too expensive of a trip (even with the timeshare) that we really wouldn't choose.  We're thinking of me tagging along to Belgium next fall and hopping over to Germany.  Will have to figure out expiring timeshare points.  Worse "problems" to have, of course.

I'm confirmed for a walk later this morning with my girlfriend who loves to cancel walks.  There's still time for a cancel though lol.

Hubby leaves this morning for 5 days.  

I'm not sure what's up for the next few days.  I wish the case of the mehs would end.  It's gone on a long time -- probably diet related or at least exacerbated.  Same old story for me.

Hope you're set for a good weekend.  Later gators.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Full Day

Hello.  Here are a few quick updates.

I wrote a post yesterday (and promptly deleted it) about the baby shower.  It was a complaint rant about how I'm hosting the only shower that's now at my house ... from 10 people to possible 40 because ... well, that was the rant.  I don't want to complain though.  I'll do anything for my DIL and that's what I need to focus on.  Her mom lives differently and I'll get life coaching on it :)  More on this later as the planning takes shape.

I did my first court observation -- it's sad how mental illness and addiction take hold.  Class training this morning and court observation this afternoon.  Full day ahead.

I made another Pirate Chai (matcha and chai drink).  The foam looked like a heart so I fluffed a bit more and made it more pronounced.  Fun drinks make me happy.

I left a rock in my neighborhood.  Someone is leaving a bunch of unpainted rocks again -- our little game.  I want to get back to regular painting.

I'm giving up on social plans for the weekend.  I'll try to figure out something solo.  I had plans with the kids to check out the tea house for the shower, but that's off the table now and so are my Saturday lunch plans.  Oh well.  It's not in the cards.

I have plenty I CAN do and probably should do.  So much vacation planning (poor me, right?!?), rock painting, Spanish, cooking, etc.  Nothing wows me, but I guess I'm not in the wowing mood right now.

I need to get moving.  It's an early morning and dogs are bugging for their breakfast.  Later gators.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023


Remember I said things feel meh?  That includes food.  Time for some cooking -- actual recipes, different flavor profiles.  I'm bored with the usual.

I'm making a curry chickpea dish and "taco" style tofu crumbles with all the fixings.  Moving into fall comfort food territory.  I also got a few honeycrisp apples for a quick applesauce.  And doing some veggie prep for the week -- having a few steps finished makes it more likely to make something a little more involved.  

Lunch ended up being nicer than it's been a long while.  That was a nice surprise.  

PT is canceled for the week.  There's no reason to see me in person -- time and money saver.

Errands and cooking today.  A very chill day to a somewhat boring week.  I think this boring feeling is really hormones that are extra, extra because I've been eating too much sugar and white carbs (rice and GF bread).  My energy is zapped and that includes mental energy.  Another GOOD reminder what I eat makes such a difference right now.  

Books seem boring.  TV seems boring.  Exercise is boring.  Errands are boring.  

See the pattern.  It's a me-not-you problem.  I'm not sure if there's anything I can do to fix it -- just ride it out until I feel more myself again.

You know what sounds interesting to me?  Travel.  Weird, right?  That's usually anxiety producing and I want plenty of time to prepare for it.  Where do I want to go?  Bar Harbor, ME.  Seattle, WA.  London, England.  Specific and all different (although kind of overcast and cooler places).  I'm interested enough that I check the calendar to see if I could make any of that happen.  Not with volunteer training (ending late October).  Oh well.  It was a thought.

Hope you're having a more exciting week than I am -- later gators.

Monday, September 11, 2023

Social Calendar?

We had a really nice dinner at my son and his GF's house.  She's an excellent cook -- stuffed pork roll, salmon cakes, spinach salad and crispy potatoes.  We planned a bit of our Switzerland and Northern Italy trip -- so excited. 

It was also nice to see my eldest and the grand-dogs for the afternoon -- even though the Steelers got whomped.  I didn't watch the game because there was a definite mood to the room!  I finished the volunteer homework, picked up a travel guide at the library and organized for the week.

I'm having lunch with a dog-foster friend today.  Our friendship is kind of stagnant.  I don't think we're super compatible for anything but occasional lunch dates.  That's fine -- not every relationship is meant to deepen.  Lunch will be nice, but it's a bit boring too.  We don't mesh outside of dog talk.  I've tried, she's tried.  It sometimes feels like an awkward first date kind of vibe.  She's not very interested in trying new places either.  Sometimes that's how I handle a boring relationship -- I find the fun in trying something new.  We're going to the pizza place that we go to 90% of the time.  The only thing I can eat is a house salad.  It's a good salad, but a bit boring because I have to order it every time.

What's not boring is the volunteer training.  This week is my first court observation.  It's very interesting.  Class on Thursday.  

I have a walking date on Friday with my friend who loves to cancel walking dates lol.  I asked to move the time later because that's my rule for myself with her.  She's primed to cancel so I won't change my morning routine for walk plans.  I haven't heard back -- if she can't move it, then we figure out something else.  It sometime feels harsh, but it's helped eliminate resentment when she cancels or when the walk is 30 minutes -- hardly worth sunscreening!  

I have a stretch of some relatively boring days coming this week.  Hubby is on a golf trip later this week and I have ZERO on the calendar for the weekend.  I need to make a plan to do SOMETHING.  This has been a big travel time for my friends -- I'm kind of running low on social options.  When this happens (more often than you'd think), I wonder if I need more friends.  I probably don't.  I probably need to figure out something to do though.  Put some life in my life ... remember?  My back is a bit of a hold up on some ideas -- trouble again.

I also wonder if this feeling is hormone related.  Options feel meh.  Stay tuned.

On that note, time to get moving.  Have a good start to the week.  Later gators.

Feeling this way today ...

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Football Begins

Hubby is home.  I'm extra happy because he was able to exit the 2 massive spiders from my garage.  I've been living in fear after seeing them hanging from the ceiling.  I noticed them loading my bag on Thursday morning ahead of the training class.  I used life coaching to chill the best I could -- I made some progress, but glad that's over.  He agreed they were huge.

Anyway ... enough scary talk ...

I had a very nice thing happen yesterday evening.  My neighbor phoned to report a rainbow.  I love rainbows and like to look for them when it's a mix of rain and sun.  The rain had passed, so I didn't even consider one.  It's nice to have neighbors who appreciate rainbows and want to share.  I don't know her well, but she "knew I'd want to see it."

By the time I went to get my phone
it was fading quickly -- but still the full spectrum.

Hubby brought home a lot of Belgium chocolate.  I ate too much (of course I did).  I'll try a few more pieces today and call it finished.  It's very rich and dairy heavy and totally delicious.

Our eldest is coming over to watch the Steelers game this afternoon (our DIL is out of town).  Then we're headed to dinner at our youngest and girlfriend's house.  We decided Ireland is not for them so switching up our spring vacation to Northern Italy and Switzerland.  It was their final call and it's a good decision all around.  Ireland is best for just the two of us -- probably for 2025.  Starting the planning over again.

Just in case you're curious -- Ireland was too much driving in a small car (youngest gets car sick), the rainy weather, the small towns might be boring to them, they don't love hiking on vacations and the food/drink was an issue with dietary restrictions.  The logistics were complicated too since we needed to return to Dublin to fly home.  It was doable, but not as enjoyable for them.  We want a fun vacation for everyone.

Have a good Sunday.  Later gators.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Airline Troubles

Hubby's flight from Belgium was canceled -- mechanical issues.  They put him up at a hotel, gave a food and airline voucher and he should be in the air this morning.  He was lucky because he happened to be standing right in front of the booking agent when the flight canceled.  Of course, always safety first.

Volunteer training went well.  All the prep work was mostly unnecessary -- oh well, I like to be prepared.  I have reading for next week and a couple of court appointments earlier in the week.

I finished the circus book -- it was very clever and imaginative.  It took me a long time to read it though.  I was in a bit of a reading ebb.  

Dinner at my youngest and his girlfriend's tomorrow.  I found a fun hostess gift.  Little ornamental pepper plant for fall.  I got a white stone planter to set it in (not in picture) and I got one of the plants for me (of course).

I tried the Pirate Chai hot and it's delicious.  Totally different drinking experience.  Iced must not dissolve well enough.  Maybe you need to make it hot and then ice it -- might try that too.

Yesterday was a lot of house chores and things-to-get-off-my-list.  I have some research to do today for upcoming travel.  We might be switching up our family trip -- Ireland might be best suited for just me and hubby.  Maybe northern Italy and Switzerland instead.  Still researching though.

That's all from here.  Hope you're having a good weekend.  Later gators.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Big Day

Today feels like an important day.  I'm stepping into a BIG volunteer possibility -- something that I've been thinking about for about 15 years.  Helping in the foster world has been on my radar since I lived in VA.  I'm not sure this is it -- lots of road before I know if I'm right for it and it's right for me, but it's a step closer.  I hope this is right, but I'm not going to force anything.  That's not good for anyone.  I'm excited and a little scared -- so no matter the outcome, I know this is a step I should take.  I'll be attending juvenile court starting next week -- see, it feels BIG.

I'm using today as a launching day for fall productivity.  I've been giving a "theme" to the seasons and fall is PRODUCTIVE.  I have a lot swirling my plate and it's time to get moving on things.  Cooler weather feels like energy.  Focus on the action line.  (I see you, LFL ... )

I tried a new drink.  Dax Shepard (Armchair Expert) and Kristen Bell recommended a drink that's matcha and chai -- two favorites in one so it was mandatory that I try it :)  I made it iced.  Jury is out on this.  I'm going to try it warm and see what I think.  The drink has an after taste that's a bit strange and it doesn't completely dissolve so the end of the drink is grainy (directions say to keep swirling it while you drink).  I made it with almond milk.  BTW, they don't have a stake in it -- Dax's mother gave it to them because it's her favorite drink.

I have a planning phone call about bookclub this afternoon.  I enjoy this group, but no one holds commitments well.  I'm not sure where any of this is heading.  I hate to save the day, make plans, drive, etc. and never feel sure if anyone will show up.  I wonder if it's fizzling out.  The holidays make it extra difficult to plan.

Speaking of books, I'm finally deep into this one and I really like it.  Magic circus, love story and a mystery.  It's really fun.

Okay, I need to get moving.  Fingers crossed for today.  Later gators.  

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Put Some Life in my Life

I woke up with that phrase on my brain -- I think I made it up, but who knows :)  Put some life in my life.  As I'm pulling out of the funk (again), I noticed what helps and what's missing is DOING THINGS.

I know a lot of the life coaching is about thought work, but when I'm feeling meh and letting myself and my life get smaller, I need to be in the ACTION line.  Motion creates energy.

Yesterday was a big action line day and it helped a lot.  I actually think I need to get OUT OF MY HEAD right now.  I'm ruminating on woe-is-me, hormones are hard, life feels uninspired, why bother, etc.  

Time to get moving and remember to pretend to be happy -- pretending actually works.  Of course, it works because I'm not actually unhappy.  This is false feelings running amok.  

Maybe this volunteer training is exactly what I need.  Get out of my head a little and back into the world.  Maybe I've spend a little too much time by myself and for myself lately.  Out of balance in the other direction.

Hope you're having a good week.  Later gators.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Tuesday That Feels Like Monday

The long weekend is over -- back to some assemblance of routine.

Saturday's drive home was fine -- no traffic in my direction.  Sunday was fun with the kids doing a few baby shopping and planning things.  Monday was a home day since hubby was heading to Belgium.

I've been working on transferring the summer garden to fall and reading the material for volunteer requirements on Thursday.

Today is a full day of "work."  Finally ready to plant the fall garden (prep work is finish) and I have the written exercises to do for Thursday (writing sample case study reports) -- reading is finished.

I'm still not in a good headspace.  When I get in a stretch feeling this way, I wonder if I'm making the right decision to do peri without pharmaceutical help.  I'm questioning everything.  Yesterday I wanted to ditch the fall garden, quit the volunteering training and stare into the wall.  Geez.

I'm forcing myself to move forward though.  This feeling is temporary and it's a false feeling -- all hormone.  

I'm trying not to get down on myself for the things I'm NOT doing -- reading, rock painting, Spanish, hiking, etc.  I barely have the mental space and energy for what I am doing and these are falling away.  It's not horrible that I'm taking a little break, but these are things that make me feel good -- and I can't seem to make myself do them.

As you might guess, I'm trying to rally today.  On a Tuesday that feels like a Monday.  Fresh start.  I'll keep you posted.  I know that getting my "work" finished today will be a big win.  Both the garden and the case reports are hanging over my head and feel like pressure.  Eat the frog first.  

I'll leave with this picture of Duke asking for dinner last night.  Later gators.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Later, Asheville

Here's a list this morning.

🔆  I'm using a fancy bullet list with sunshine.

🔆  I got a few miles on a mountain walk and had a too-close-for-comfort run in with 2 large bears.  They exited the woods on the road right in front of me on a curve (just like last time).  Mountain on one side, gully on the other, no houses -- no where to go except the road.  They are ridiculously quiet and hard to see through the trees.  I turned around, backed up and finished the walk in the neighborhood instead.  My neighbor said this is the biggest bear season they've seen and some are a bit aggressive.  Eeek.  They are beautiful ... from a distance.  I'm going to carry the noise horn on walks.

🔆  Turns out it was too long of a walk -- maybe too many hills.  My back was really bad last night.  I still need to limit activity again.  Dang.  This is the only walk picture I took.  The bears had me a little spooked so I was watching for more of them, not little hidden finds.

I pass this tree often.  It's really
striking IRL.  Funny, dark swirl.

🔆  I had a good, long lunch with my neighbor and her dog.  Asheville is very dog friendly.

🔆  My eldest is having neck issues with numbness, jolting down his body, tingling.  He had an MRI scheduled, but it got significantly worse so he went the the ED yesterday.  It was a worry, but it's a neck injury -- nothing more serious.  Rest, medication should resolve it.  It was a worry for the day, but a relief that he's okay.

🔆  I fit in an afternoon visit to the teahouse for chai and an iced herbal tea.  Started the circus magic book and it's good so far.

🔆  Monthly came in with a bang this morning.  No surprise there.  It's not bad timing actually.  Guess it's still going ...

🔆  My theme for Asheville this week.  I had a good trip, but not the trip I expected.  It's a lesson I need to hear often.

🔆  Quick cleanup and pack up.  A visit to the farmer's market and GA bound this afternoon.  Fingers crossed for holiday weekend traffic -- could be an issue.  Have a good one.  Later gators.

Friday, September 1, 2023

Asheville Friday

It's been a bit of a hit and miss trip this time again.  What I envisioned for these few days is different -- mainly because I don't feel well.  My energy is TANKED to the point that I wondered if I was getting sick (don't think so now).  It's hormones, baby (!!)  Of course it is ... and my back is temperamental from the curb debacle last week and I need to pace activities. 

That meant no walk after a Peloton workout.  I actually debated going back to bed ... see, thought I was getting sick.  I NEVER nap.  I held up and went to lunch at White Duck Taco -- cool place on the river.  Had an amazing fish taco (it's my favorite from this place) and street corn salad which I've eyed up each time I go.  Corn salad wasn't good though -- bummer, but I had to try it at some point.  Now I know.  Outside was nice but that's when I discovered I'd read the book already.  Mixed bag.

Then the walking tour of The River Arts District.  Supposed to be 7 of us -- spoiler alert, after waiting 25 minutes for late people, it was just me.  I guess I should be grateful because if people had canceled earlier, the tour would've canceled.  It was okay and I made the best of it.  Talked to artists, learned about the area.  The tour guide was flat though (nice enough guy) and the area has so much construction it wasn't very pretty to walk.  Still, I got what I wanted from the tour.  It was hot and full sun and I was very ready for it to be over.

Local Guitar Bar

Wanted to show my son the location.
These are the only pictures I took.

Turns out it's the same guide for West Asheville tour that was planned for this afternoon.  I was the only one signed up and the owner contacted me -- I decided to go ahead and cancel and not wait to see if someone else signs up.  I'm actually relieved.  I don't think I had it in me for this afternoon and the guide is boring.  I'll try again when I feel better and the weather is cooler.  He's the guide for that tour every time apparently so that won't change if I go again.

Books have largely been a bust this trip.  I usually read a book a day in Asheville.  Didn't like the library books (what?!!?) and very quickly ditched them.  I started a book from my TBR pile and I realized I read it already.  Two chapters in and I knew the story.  I have one final book in my bag.  I'm not even sure if I'll open it.  I brought the training manual (week 1) for the volunteering on Thursday and it's a lot more than I expected.  I've been reading that instead -- guess I should've started sooner.

Fingers crossed for this YA.

Today is a beautifully cool morning, but warm again for the afternoon.  I'm going for a walk of some sorts.  My body is the boss today.  Pushing isn't working.  Lunch downtown with my neighbor so I might squeeze in a teahouse moment (and read!!!!).  It's all hinging on how I feel and the afternoon is totally up in the air.  If I feel well, full Asheville experience coming my way.  If I don't, home to rest and volunteer homework.  

Tomorrow is a quick clean, farmer's market and heading home.  Movie night with hubby.  I'm ready to be GA bound again.  I miss my family (and that's hormones too -- not that I don't miss them, but a few days shouldn't trigger THIS MUCH homesickness).  I'm a feelings basket-case.  

Holiday week on the horizon.  Hope you have a good one planned.  And hope traffic isn't a disaster tomorrow for my drive -- eek.  Later gators.