Sunday, May 7, 2023

The Good Story

When I did the thought download, I finished with a list of all the positive thoughts about being a retired household -- and there were a lot.

I think most are obvious, but the surprise for me was that (in some ways) I was set to have MORE freedom.  Retirement scared me because I feel I lose a lot of alone time ... and I do.  But what I gain is more freedom to do things that I couldn't because of the dogs.  Out of town visits with friends, longer hikes, fuller days out of the house.  Maybe I need less alone time when I have more freedom?

The takeaway is both the negative story and positive story about retirement are both stories I tell myself -- and I can choose to tell the positive story (at least more than the negative one).  That's what I'm doing.  Looking for ways retirement is good.  Focusing forward on those thoughts because then I will find more and more confirmation of THIS story.

It takes intention and deliberate thinking.  And lots of reminding myself when I slip to the negative.

When I went to lunch with my girlfriend (having spent a lot of time in excited, happy thoughts about retirement), she commented over and over about my energy.  "You are glowing."  I think some of my "happy" was because I was feeling better, some of the glow was from my favorite green dress I bought recently -- but I know there was an element from choosing the good story that day.

Oh course it's not all good (nothing is), but I have a habit of living in a negative loop.  That never helps.  

Aiming high.  Choosing the good story.  

Another surprising take-away was suddenly I feel ready to level up the future self work.  Remember I was a little stuck ... tried to get coaching on it?  I think I was stuck because I anticipated such a big change when he retired that I was reluctant to work at much before.  Am I making sense?  Conserving myself for the big change.  Resting this year -- nothing hard.  Hence the BORED and the BUFFERING.  

I'm in process for applying for the volunteer position to help support foster families.  I said yes to some things coming up that I was interested in, but had decided it was too much work (more as they happen).

Some of this might be wins, some not ... but I'm back to moving forward again, trying things, being curious and it feels good.

Forward today looks like an early Mother's Day celebration (kids at a wedding next weekend).  I asked for a hike and hangout instead of a fancy dinner evening.  Why?  Because it's my celebration and it should be something I want to do too.  Future me loves nature, loves the focus away from just food and loves early activities.  This checks all the boxes (and it's also something everyone enjoys too).  BTW, they suggested the dinner because it "felt" more special.  They thought a hike felt like a copout.  Nope, it's exactly what I want.

I end with this picture -- Duke wasn't happy about the office guard.

Hope you have a good story to tell too.  Later gators.

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