I'm STILL recovering from bronchitis (and shingles and travel). My cough is slowly improving, but my energy is ridiculously low. I'm plugging along with lots and lots of rest and a little activity to keep my body from getting sore.
I had a coaching session yesterday. It was okay. She kept steering me away from the focus I wanted to discuss (future-self goals) so I finally gave up and let her take the lead. We talked about feeling feelings and understanding what I feel is just the human experience. I don't think I needed coaching on any of that, but she kept saying before I can move forward, I need to address feelings. Okay. I have another session next week while I'm in Asheville.
I painted a Sesame Street series rock. I keep saying it's the last one and this was my last hiking rock to paint so maybe it's true this time. The rest of the characters are a lot harder to do with my skills and tools. I'll start leaving them in the Little Free Library at the kids' park once I get back to running.
STILL on my agenda is planting the summer flowers from the farm. I haven't had the energy AND it's been so windy. It's on a 'maybe' list for today.
I'm trying to build some fun in my calendar for next week. Fingers crossed. I have plans for lunch this Friday with my girlfriend who picked up all the plants. I think I'm okay to go -- I'm not contagious anymore. She leaves for Spain for 2 weeks so it's now or not until the end of May. I might make a pedicure appointment for tomorrow. I have a few quick errands for today. Little by little getting back into the world. My poor body. Nothing serious, but she's struggling.
Hope your week is well and happy. Later gators.
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