Sunday, May 21, 2023

Mushroom 5K

Once again, thanks past self for a hookup.  Yesterday's Mushroom 5K (that was only 2.8 miles lol) was a lot of fun.

I met my friend's friend and she was awesome.  Right away great conversations, lots of connection.  Future self stuff that made me feel really good.

Rain for the check-in but we toured the indoor mushroom farm while we waited.  We ended up just walking together and the rain held off for the rest of the day.  Uphill until the turn around at a pretty new winery.  After party had mushroom food (delicious rice dish) and goodies.  We got a bag of mushroom to go -- sautéed for dinner last night.  Everything supported the local animal shelter.

The town of Elijay is adorable and I'll go back to visit at some point.

Checked so many boxes and I'm glad I went.

Got home and jumped on FB to look at the bookclub info for today.  I belong to a site that sells things locally and a cool 1920's plant stand popped up on my wall.  Hubby and I took an afternoon drive and picked it up.  Not sure where I'm using it, but price was fantastic. Iron with a wood top and a marble stone.

Picture from the listing.
It's in my car right now.

House painting is in full swing.  Man, it's hard work for this crew.  I can't wait to have my house back to normal though.  Everything is covered, garages are off limits, indoor plants with no sunshine and outdoor plants taking a beating.  One more week.  I leave for Asheville tomorrow.  Can hubby keep my outdoor plants alive?!??!  

Bookclub is virtual this afternoon.  Poetry book -- How Far You Have Come (Morgan Harper Nichols).  It was a story of her childhood mixed with poems about a road trip journey.  I don't like the virtual bookclub anymore, but I'll attend if I'm finished with errands.  In-person is much better experience.  No big deal if I miss it -- I responded 'maybe' so I'm solidly noncommittal this month.

Happy Sunday and have a good day.  Later gators.

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