Monday, May 22, 2023

Another Monday

I planned to leave for Asheville this morning, but I wasn't feeling myself yesterday.  Low, low energy and lots of happenings around the house this week.  It made more sense to shift the trip a day so I'm here with a long list of to-dos before I leave -- it works a lot better.  Hubby took about 5 seconds to book golf today.

I didn't attend the virtual bookclub because my energy really was awful.  Turned out only one person signed in.  That's a bummer since 5 people said 'yes' -- so no bookclub after all.  I think we need to eliminate the virtual meetings.  People don't hold their commitment the same way.  I respond 'maybe' to virtual meetings because I'll only attend if everything lines up perfectly.

My little garden is taking a bit of a beating.  So much for please be careful with the plants.  Every season it's something.  I can't wait for the raised beds.  Hopefully, next year is my first REAL garden.

Very short and sweet this morning.  I have a full day ahead and then a morning drive tomorrow.  

Have a good Monday.  Later gators.

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