Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Screwed Up

My day started well.  Ran at the park -- 3 miles with some short walking breaks.  Finally divided up the Sesame Street collection (it's hard to give away when it's a group).  Left Bert and Ernie in the kids' LFL.

Sad looking book!

Showered, packed up and headed to the Urban hike.  I arrived as they were FINISHING.  The leader wrote up the hike differently than usual and I only saw the finish time so I assumed it was the start time (they NEVER put an end time -- only fill in duration on a different line).  Apparently, he does his hikes like this -- live and learn.  Oh so frustrating, plus I got a no-show ding.  I apologized and he was nice about it, but, dang.

What to do?!?!  I thought about heading home, but I decided to head over to another trail and walk until I felt less disappointed (and grab a few rocks for painting).  I was dressed and ready -- I figured I'd try to walk off my new mood.  And I did.

I hiked about 3 miles and watched for flowers.  Not many in bloom on first glance, but when you pay attention, there are gems to be found.  

Finished up and went to a happy little cafe for lunch.  I've been once before -- totally reminds me of Asheville.

Roasted veggies and kale & brussel salad
with a timely table message.
"You are responsible for the
energy you bring to the room."

Best little moment was I found a knitted heart left on the trail.  It something else people leave -- happy rocks and happy little knitted treasures (hearts, frogs, bugs).  It made me smile.  Mood was absolutely turned around and I probably had a better day than I had planned (although I'm bummed about the no-show ding).

As "hard" as thought work and self-reflection work feels, it's worth it.  The more I practice, the more I can show up in ways that support a better day.  I salvaged something that would've derailed a past me. 

Happy Wednesday.  Later gators.

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