Monday, September 12, 2022

New Week

It came -- hallelujah (!!)  First step in a good trip?!?!?  Maybe.  This was one of those things I don't "need" to deal with on top of everything else.  I'll take it and I'm glad I didn't schedule the bee tour tomorrow.

Tonight is Spanish class and I want to skip it, but I'm showing up (reluctantly) anyway.  I emailed the teacher to say I'm having a hard time -- past tense is messing me up.  I'm considering retaking level 6 to get more practice and slow things down a bit.  She hasn't emailed back (par for the course with her).  I'm showing up tonight because I might not be able to make the class next week coming home from CO.  I didn't want to miss 2 in a row.

We started booking the vacation for Spain in April.  Hotels, apartment rental and train ticket.  Airline tickets next and then all the fun things.  Another reason to keep at the Spanish with some regular dedication.

Tonight I also need to reserve tickets for Pearl Harbor tours -- reservations are 8 weeks in advance or the day before only.  With the time difference, I need to book at 9 o'clock tonight.  Ugh.  I'm happy this is Monday though -- plenty of time to be up late and recover before travel.  (Yes, I'm this sensitive lately -- takes days to be ready and days to recover.  Energy is my #1 issue in peri-m.)

I finished the Louise Penny book and it was a quick, nice read -- 4 more to go.  I think there are 11 or 12 in the series, but I only got a box set of 5.  I'll do a new pick today -- need to time something for the trip so I'll have to give it a bit of thought.  I'll take 2 (maybe 3) books with me.  Two long flights and other than 5 hours for the wedding, I'm all by myself.  Lot of POTENTIAL reading time ... but will I actually read?!?

This is a busy week full of last minute details and lots of house chores.  I super duper need to get my head on straight and not build up this trip in my head.  Anxiety is #2 for this peri-m time (close second to energy issues).

If I stick to my schedule this week, I'll get everything finished just fine.  Breathe.  Chill.  It's ONE WEEKEND.  One 5 hour event.  Geez.

Hubby took the lead on football food yesterday.  This was his spread -- dad spread for sure.  He was very proud :)  It made me laugh -- all lined up, leftovers from Saturday snacks, subs in the frig.  We're sharing the duties this season.

Off to start a good week -- hope you are set for the same.  Later gators.

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