Thursday, September 22, 2022

Last of the Garden

Good morning.

I'm feeling the 50-50 this week, but I'm showing up and being a little brave too.  I texted the book club person about coffee again and crickets.  She might end up responding or not, but I put myself out there and initiated.  I want to know about the volunteer organization, but I'd also like to get to know her -- 2 prongs.  It super duper hard to find and make new friends.

I started the book club book and I have no idea why the reviews about it being hard to read.  I'm almost finished and it's a good read.  Looks like the virtual book club on Sunday is a go (assuming no other issues).

I also started preparing for Spanish class.  Big girl panties on.  I'm not sure that I'll be prepared enough, but I can still show up.  Quitting doesn't feel right.  Taking a break or changing things up hits differently -- still planning to do this after Level 6 ends.

I scheduled a 40 minute SCS coaching session today.  It's been a few weeks since the last coaching.  Some help figuring out these crash-n-burns might be good.

Last couple things from the spring garden.  Carrots, a few strawberries and lots of jalapeño peppers.  I'm not sure if I'm going to plant a fall little garden.  Spiders are huge and out of control EVERYWHERE.  GA has been hit with that new invasion kind -- eeek.  Calling the exterminator again today.  I'm also out of town so much this fall that I think things will dry up.

Used them in a stir-fry yesterday.
Funny looking, but very tasty.

I'm still planning to go to Asheville this weekend.  I've thought and re-thought it so many times.  Assuming nothing changes, I'm choosing the "brave" thing again.  My default is NOT pushing forward so I need to exercise that forward muscle.  It feels like a lot for little return, but the alternative is sitting at home doing nothing.  

One of the FS things I'm working on is doing things even when it's just for me.  If I were planning to go to Asheville with someone, I wouldn't be rethinking it at all.  Why can't I be reason enough to do things?  So I'm going -- me, myself and 2 little dogs.

Time to walk the dogs before the temps climb.  Where are you fall??  (Answer: Asheville)  Have a good day.  Later gators.

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