Thursday, September 15, 2022

El Jueves

The trip is on the horizon and I'm getting my usual travel nerves.  It's not helping that I have morning pushes 3 days in a row.  Remember when I didn't sleep past 4 o'clock?  That's changed these days.  I got up a little before 5 o'clock this morning and it feels like the butt crack of dawn.

I shouldn't complain because the morning pushes are because workouts are back in business.  I'm super grateful for it.

Hair appointment this morning.  I've been ON my to-do list, but I forgot to practice an updo hair for the wedding.  It's only an issue because keratin treatment today means I can't practice before I leave.  It's not a big deal, but I need to remember to pack everything I need.

I'm starting packing today so I can see if everything fits for a carryon.  This takes HUGE pressure off tomorrow since I want to have a chill afternoon -- energy conservation is clutch.  Funny thing I thought of this morning -- I'm only going to be gone one day.  I'll be at home both Saturday and Monday.  Only Sunday is a gone all-day day.  Mountain out of a molehill.  Geez.  I'm out of practice.

I started the book about friendships and it's good so far.  I'm also only taking 2 books on the trip -- no way I'm reading 3 books.  I want to be present, people watch, etc.  Books are great for plane ride, but rest of the trip is about having a heads up and enjoying around me.  

That's all from here.  I'll leave with a smidge of inspiration from IG ...  later gators.

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