Friday, September 30, 2022

Taste of Fall

Temps have stayed seasonal this week and the fall mood is strong.  Arguably the BEST season (spring is a close second, followed by winter and then loser summer lol).  I changed out the wreaths and that signals I'm ready for all things fall.

My fall favorite is cooking the cozy things -- soups, stew, chili.  Summer veggie are the best, but that turn to fall flavors on cool days is spot on.  Gets me in the nesting mood.

I started with a pasta sauce recipe that I've been eating like a soup -- everything pureed ... tomatoes, celery, onion, zucchini, spinach, garlic, basil, carrots, peppers, jalapeƱos.  So many veggies in one simple bite.  It has really good flavor.

This weekend I'm making chili for football (I'll eat the "sauce-soup").  I made hubby apple muffins and used the leftover apples for applesauce.  Honey crisps are out and they're the BEST for apple sauce. 

Almost time for mums and fall flowers.  I decided no fall veggie garden because the spiders are so prevalent and the temps are all over the map.  Also, I've got a packed schedule and watering a garden wasn't going to work.  See you in the spring, my itty bitty garden.

Today I'm getting SNS removed and hitting Target for Brach's candy corn for my sister's visit.  Can't find Brach's anywhere yet -- Target has a chance to be a fall hero.  If I'm feeling the mood, I might take a peek for some mums too.  I'll have new polish on and that's my hesitation -- maybe that should wait.  I'm bound to smudge it.

Picked hubby up last night.  It's good to have him home.  Between the CO wedding and his trip to France, it's been a couple of weeks.  I'm set for a nice weekend together.  Monday starts a full social calendar -- I'm taking a little breath before it begins.

I had a coaching call yesterday and I talked about how October was feeling too much.  After lots of talking, she reminded me it's as simple as remembering to have fun.  Stop asking myself how I'm going to get it all done and ask myself how can I have fun today.  Much better question.  Much less stress producing.  Much less pressure.

Fun for the win and it's all about fun this month -- I just forgot and got caught up in the weeds.  

Hope you're having a good week and safe from the big storm.  Later gators.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Back Home

The trip home was easy peasy thanks to back-to-back-to-back phone calls.  Nice when it works out that way.  I'm glad to be home and very glad that I took care of so many things (house chores) before I left.  We got home, I unpacked, made food for the day and relaxed.

Today is a lot of little things starting with the cleaning crew.  Errands most of the afternoon and some planning for next week.  Next week is the start to another BIG 2 weeks.  I want to be prepared which includes having downtime ahead of the fun (but intense) couple of weeks.

Super short and sweet this morning.  Hope you're having a good week.  Fall temps this week and I'm here for it!  Later gators.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022


Here are a few pictures from yesterday.  Nothing special of a day -- most of the time waiting for the delivery.  Ended up ... no Spanish class (no regrets), grocery store for kombucha, no coffee or tea house because I had Duke with me, long walk with Duke and that was about it.

Fall (!!)

Stage RED clinger

My and my shadows EVERYWHERE

Time to go home??

Pumpkin bowl

I ended up not feeling well in the afternoon.  Headache and whispers of stomach upset.  I cooked up some frozen stuff and called it a day.  I was planning to go downtown for dinner, but changed my mind so I hadn't bought any food from the grocery store, dang.  No downtown or takeout in the cards this trip.

I ran into the neighbor who's painting a scenery picture for our mantel and she found another picture option.  I LOVE this one.  The other was okay, but she seemed so gunho that I figured there was good reason.  This new one is exactly what I had imagined for the room.  BTW, she vetoed all the choices I sent her because of the lighting.  She knows the medium and what works so I defer to her expertise -- I'll be happy with whatever she creates.

She painted a picture of Duke too.  She wanted to bring it over this morning, but I asked her to hold it and give it to hubby next trip -- it's a surprise for him.  I'll need to frame it (12 x 12).  

Peloton ride to dehydrate me for the drive home and we're off.  It was nice to come up, but it wasn't the best trip.  Dogs were nervous, homebound waiting for the delivery, afternoon headache.  But, we got the rug and that was the purpose of the trip.  Was it worth the effort of the trip -- maybe, maybe not.  It's hits a lot different when I'm solo with the dogs.  True solo is great though haha!

It'll orient the other way.
Gray and tan.  I like the texture.

A few last pictures -- I'm calling this installment "Evolution of a Duke French Kiss" lol.  Can you tell I was bored waiting for the delivery?  Talking a dog selfie for hubby and this happened.

Fingers crossed for an uneventful trip home.  Have a great day.  Later gators.

Monday, September 26, 2022


We arrived with a few hiccups but we made it.  Lots of weekend traffic -- it was tough going driving straight through.  

Then the code lock to our door was flashing low battery.  My key didn't work, but thankfully, there was enough battery to open after trying a few times.  I replaced the batteries and found a working key.

No book club, but my heart wasn't in it for a virtual month so I don't feel like I missed anything.

I was bone tired with a wonky back so it was an early night to bed, but I had trouble falling asleep.  Saturday took it all out of me -- even though I had a good day.  I'm sore (harder than usual Peloton ride, I guess) and blah this morning.  I need to listen to my body and have an easier day.  I'm pushing a little too much right now.  I still don't have endurance or energy to go go go.  

I hung the pretty towel I got in CO.  The kitchen needs a little color and softening.  

I have to decide on Spanish class for tonight.  I've mentally checked out of the class since past tense.  I'm prepared for the next presentation, but am ignoring past tense for now.  It was too much, too soon for me for pronunciation -- I'm getting all mixed up with everything now.  I need a better headspace before I make any decisions -- lots of viable choices though.  Only criteria is I keep at it daily.  I'm leaning toward self study and private lessons until I'm ready to tackle past tense.

Rug delivery this afternoon so I'm tethered to the house for part of the day.  I have no specific plans -- waiting see what I want to do.  Some combination of walk or jog, coffee or tea house, grocery store or takeout -- all before afternoon.

It's a bit humid this morning (big storms last night), but I have the windows open and a fall candle burning.  It's nice.  Today is trash day so maybe BEARS again.  I love Asheville and I love being here.  

Looks like both ATL and Asheville will get remnants of the hurricane by the weekend.  I've been MIA from the news so I had no idea.  So much damage on the islands -- I can't even imagine how devastating that is for the people living there.

New week -- let's have a good one.  Later gators.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Bean's Bee Farm

Not what I expected at all, but it was a great experience.  The "farm" was in the middle of an urban area with very little plant farming -- more chickens, goats and SO MANY BEES! 

When I pulled up there were bees flying everywhere -- turns out they were cleaning up a honey bucket from a honey extraction.  Bees WORK HARD.  I didn't expect so many bees just out and about.

People were sitting at picnic tables with a hickory smoker going that smelled like BBQ.  I thought I had the wrong place lol.  Lots of people were late because of a huge accident on the main highway.  I was caught on the rubber-neck side for 30 minutes.  Luckily I was set to be early, unluckily that meant no bathroom stop.  I thought it was just me for the tour because I was the only one on Airbnb experiences.  He must register elsewhere too -- 9 of us total.  Really nice group and it was fun to chat with them.

Edward was a chatter and we learned a lot of info, but he REALLY liked to talk about all the ways he makes money doing bee farming -- not what I was interested in hearing.  He ran over time -- should be 90 minutes.  I left at the 2 hour mark and the honey tasting wasn't anywhere in sight.  Everyone was still checking out the hives.

I could have asked a shit-ton more questions, but for time sake I edited down my curiosity.  Also, google can answer a lot.  I'll do some reading while I'm in Asheville.  I'm not bee farming (no way!!), but I'd like to plant bee friendly gardens.   

Holding the hive was so cool -- watching the bees working like crazy.  The bees flying all around were the ones I was worried about, but no one got stung.  Of course the head part didn't fit my head well.  Big head, but I think it was the bun in the back that was making it get stuck.  Long sleeves, long pants, TUCK a huge shirt inside pants to create a barrier and HUGE gloves ... and he puffs them docile so I wasn't worried.

I wish the farm was closer and/or hubby was home so I could've stayed for the honey tasting.  I needed to get back for Monti.  I was also up against it getting dark and I didn't bring regular glasses to drive (my bad).  I'd go again to learn more.  HONEY BEES are AMAZING and our world needs all that they do.

We're heading to Asheville this morning.  I'm in no rush because I'm tired from yesterday -- 3 hours of closet cleanup (how does it get so messy?) and 5 hours for the bee trip.  Slow rolling.  This means I'll probably miss book club, but I'm not upset about it.  I think it'll be boring on zoom anyway.

Have a happy Sunday.  Later gators.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Surprisingly Fun Day

Being surprised with an extra nice day is so fun.  (Of course, now I'm wondering if the opposite will happen too -- why do I think like this?????)

Duke and I had a good run at the park.  Fall-like morning again.  Finished the workout and met another pup and they got to hang out.  Sweet old man with his old dog.  Unfortunately, Duke's back leg is bugging him again so he'll need to take it easy for a few days.

Quick shower and headed to True Food and Whole Foods (I tried to get ahead of the lunch crowd).  You aren't able to park at Whole Foods and walk somewhere else or they boot you so I had to do double parking on a super crowded day.  It's one of those new outdoor, higher end shopping, dining, living places.  Anyway ... I thought I might need to bag True Foods because of parking and a perfect spot opened up right before me.  Yes!

Walked over in an area I don't often shop and passed an EverEve store.  I've shopped online before, but never knew there was a store too.  Turns out the business has an interesting start -- woman owned and wanted a boutique shopping experience for woman who aren't in their 20s but want something fashion forward.  You can schedule a personal shopping experience too.  Every store has a shelf of the books that inspired the founder to start her business.  I've read many of these, but a couple are going on my list.  I had such a fun shopping try-on and a good chat with the woman helping me.  All fall goodies -- pictures coming.

I opened up the new Jen Hatmaker book club box for October.  This sounds GOOD and I'm taking it to Asheville with me tomorrow.  The gift was a bracelet -- Keep Going.  Are you serious????  My birthday year motto this year.  I write it everyday.  

I got takeout from True foods with enough for today's lunch too.  All vegetable dishes and a GF, vegan squash pie (2 slices).  I have the 2nd one waiting for me this afternoon.  

Coffee with the bookclub friend is now lunch -- yea.  Feels like an upgrade lol.

Afternoon was a bunch of rainbow rock pre-painting, Spanish and the latest episode of Bad Sisters (Apple +).  BTW, The Good Fight got strange season 2 -- I gave up on it, but I liked Season 1.

I'm looking forward to today too.  Bean's Bee Farm tour -- FINALLY!  Fingers crossed I don't get stung.  I'm also going to organize my closet.  It's out of control and I need to do a little editing.  I got some Command hooks for the shoe and bag closet too.  It's a mess.

Tomorrow is a road trip with the pups to Asheville.  I'll pack in the morning because it's easy peasy.  I'm in no rush to get there (except wanting to be in time for bookclub).  The weather looks cool and crisp.  I don't have any plans except receive the rug delivery on Monday between 2-4 o'clock.  That gives me the morning to do something.  I usually like to have a plan, but I've been making a lot of plans lately.  Unscheduled feels right for this quick trip.

Whenever I water this plant, its flowers give off the best scent for a couple of days.  I got it 2 years ago at Trader Joe's.  I finally looked it up.  The flowers are so pretty they look fake.

I'm excited for the bee farm tonight.  Not excited for the time of the tour, but I'm still doing it.  Weather is cooperating so as long as the farmer doesn't cancel, I'm good to go.  Fingers crossed.

Have a great Saturday.  Later gators.

Friday, September 23, 2022

Coaching Call

I had a good coaching call -- someone I'd be happy to get again (Ronda).  I talked about why I crash after some sort of push (social, FS, etc).  I protected my physical energy, scheduled a laidback week and STILL (!!)

She thought I wasn't acknowledging how draining the last couple weeks were mentally -- Spanish presentation, lead up to the trip, the trip.  Even though I was proud and excited to have done and showed up, it took a toll.

I told her the 2 examples this week were not wanting to study Spanish or read the book for book club.  I'm doing everything else.  Why?  The pressure is off both and there is no reason for me to fight tooth and nail to do it.  She had a good question for me ... do I want to go to book club and Spanish class?  Not do I want to read or study, but do I want to show up for the class.

Ding, ding.  Yep, I don't want to go.  I don't want to have to prepare mentally to show up.  I don't want to feel the need to be "on" -- even though neither is a big deal in the context of this month it feels like a big deal to me.  I want hibernation time to restore my mental reserves.  As much as I don't want to admit it, I'm exhausted mentally and emotionally.

She suggested I read and study and make the decision to go (or not) the day before.  We also talked that it's okay to have a break.  There are times to push and times to pull back.  I get to decide and I can figure out which one by talking a minute to write down my thoughts.  Bottom line -- I'm sabotaging the reading and studying so the choice is made for me.  Can't do either if I haven't prepared.

This weekend is another bit of a FS push again.  Bee tour and trip to Asheville with the dogs.  I'm a little hyped up for both, but I want to see them through.  No wonder adding to that doesn't feel good.

It's good to know something WAS running in the background.  I need to be careful and watch my physical energy, but I need to pay attention to the mental pushes too.  

Problem solved.  I don't know what I'll choose to do yet, but understanding helps.  And I will be okay with whatever I decide (mantra for the week).

It's interesting how much these seemingly little changes are hard.  Becoming something different takes practice and endurance.  Ronda reminded me that's expected and not to get upset that I need recovery -- it's how bodies and brains work.  

To that point -- I finished the book for book club.  I enjoyed it -- heartbreaking story on immigration.  The author is a good story teller, good writer and she kept the length in check.  I've read a few critically acclaimed books recently that are too long.  Edit out the extra :)

BTW, I heard back from the woman from book club.  We're meeting Oct 3 for coffee.  She seemed willing and happy to meet me.  I'm glad I reached out -- I'm still not convinced it will actually happen, but so far it's moving forward.

Today is a full day but should be fun.  Run at the park with Duke, Whole Foods and a takeout order from True Foods (can not wait for the soup!!).  

Hope you have a good day too.  Later gators.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Last of the Garden

Good morning.

I'm feeling the 50-50 this week, but I'm showing up and being a little brave too.  I texted the book club person about coffee again and crickets.  She might end up responding or not, but I put myself out there and initiated.  I want to know about the volunteer organization, but I'd also like to get to know her -- 2 prongs.  It super duper hard to find and make new friends.

I started the book club book and I have no idea why the reviews about it being hard to read.  I'm almost finished and it's a good read.  Looks like the virtual book club on Sunday is a go (assuming no other issues).

I also started preparing for Spanish class.  Big girl panties on.  I'm not sure that I'll be prepared enough, but I can still show up.  Quitting doesn't feel right.  Taking a break or changing things up hits differently -- still planning to do this after Level 6 ends.

I scheduled a 40 minute SCS coaching session today.  It's been a few weeks since the last coaching.  Some help figuring out these crash-n-burns might be good.

Last couple things from the spring garden.  Carrots, a few strawberries and lots of jalapeƱo peppers.  I'm not sure if I'm going to plant a fall little garden.  Spiders are huge and out of control EVERYWHERE.  GA has been hit with that new invasion kind -- eeek.  Calling the exterminator again today.  I'm also out of town so much this fall that I think things will dry up.

Used them in a stir-fry yesterday.
Funny looking, but very tasty.

I'm still planning to go to Asheville this weekend.  I've thought and re-thought it so many times.  Assuming nothing changes, I'm choosing the "brave" thing again.  My default is NOT pushing forward so I need to exercise that forward muscle.  It feels like a lot for little return, but the alternative is sitting at home doing nothing.  

One of the FS things I'm working on is doing things even when it's just for me.  If I were planning to go to Asheville with someone, I wouldn't be rethinking it at all.  Why can't I be reason enough to do things?  So I'm going -- me, myself and 2 little dogs.

Time to walk the dogs before the temps climb.  Where are you fall??  (Answer: Asheville)  Have a good day.  Later gators.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Maybe a Little Crash-n-Burn??

I'm whipped -- energy is in the RED, even with a re-entry day yesterday.  It's not that I did NOTHING yesterday -- unpacked, wash, bedsheets, a few errands, etc. but I didn't push hard at all.  Yet, still recovering this morning.

I will get a Peloton ride in today.  I rested my back yesterday so hopefully that brings me up to the land of the living again.

I did a few FS things too.  Texted a friend about hiking this week (she's on vacation so it'll have to wait).  Scheduled the bee tour for Saturday.  I looked at the schedule for October only to find the tours end in September for the season.  Weather looks good for Saturday, so by gosh by golly, I'm giving it one more go.

What I need to do today or tomorrow is text the women from bookclub about a coffee date to talk about her volunteering.  I'm trying to get in the right "vibration" before I text though so it might need to wait until later in the week.

Where I'm feeling a little crash-n-burn is bookclub and Spanish.  I haven't read the bookclub book yet and reviews say it's confusing so you need to pay attention.  Bookclub is virtual and I'll have just driven into Asheville a couple of hours before with the dogs.  Maybe this is a skip month.  October is at the woman's house that I want to chat about volunteering (I bet we just talk that day instead of coffee, but hopefully coffee too).  I'll start the book today and see if I can comfortably finish it.

Spanish is also a back burner item.  I need a re-group and maybe Level 6 wasn't the best idea.  I sort of want to stop for the session and re-do the level next time.  I'll see what the week brings.  I hate the idea of quitting though, but I'm sorely unprepared.  The stuff we're doing these next couple of weeks is a lot of work, but very little payoff for conversational Spanish.  I'm not feeling the effort is worth it.  Maybe I'll stick to what I want to do and simply show up unprepared for this new stuff.  

Back to books -- here's what I ended up reading on the trip.  Book and the sequel.  I'd recommend both for a fun read.

I'm struggling with when to push and when to pull back and recover -- especially since recovery doesn't always work.  Do I need recovery or is this just another hormone issue?  Ugh.  

Anyway ... that's enough of that this morning.  Hope you're having a good week.  Later gators.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

The Wedding -- 3 of 3

Final post of a very long winded weekend recap ...

I got ready with no issue.  Here's the final product.

The bracelet is a set of pearls my dad
gave me as a teenager.  I wrapped the
necklace as a bracelet.

I was ready early but didn't want to head to venue TOO EARLY so I waited.  MISTAKE.  30 minutes travel time to venue seating at 2:30 -- wedding started at 3 o'clock.  I called for an Uber at 1:30 -- nothing. Cancel after cancel.  Turns out there was a Broncos game and no Ubers (even scheduled ones).  

Finally I got picked up -- rap blasting, windows down, ac broken and a smoker (cigarets on the seat and the car stunk).  He was a nice guy -- some English ... and we were off.  ACCIDENT on the highway -- 20 minute further delay.  Then GPS took us to a gated neighborhood.  So we programed into phone and it took us to a non-existent street.  

OMG.  Now I wasn't worried about being late, I was worried about getting there at all.  I gave him all the cash I had on me and asked him to help me find the place.  We drove around and finally found it.  (Turns out the historical mansion venue redid the entrance to the other side of the property so GPS flopped.)

We arrived windows down, music blasting with the entire wedding party lined up waiting to go into the gate -- video cameras already filming the wedding that had started.  I got dropped off in the exact spot about a minute before the bride arrived in her car -- good lord.  I snuck around and went into the mansion -- skipping the outdoor ceremony in the middle of a huge yard space.  No way I could get to the seating without interrupting even more.

I sat inside, scheduled an Uber for the end of the night with special instructions, cleared my head, found a bathroom to put myself together again.  BTW, incredible place -- the antiques were stunning.  I should've taken some pictures.

Cocktail hour was lonely and I tried some conversations without a lot of success.  I found a standing table in the shade, grabbed ice water (no buffering this uncomfortable feeling with alcohol yet) and waited.  Wedding party arrived (son and DIL) and the girls from my DIL's wedding noticed me not too long after (I didn't see them at first).  Conversations finally!

The wedding was nice.  Met lots of my DIL's extended family.  The food was good -- I stuck to veggies because I wasn't up for chicken or pasta.  Had a couple of glasses of red wine.  And, of course, 3 pieces of cake.  Had to try the 2 flavors and then get another of my favorite (so much leftover cake so I didn't feel like I was being greedy).  

Look at that gorgeous vintage bag
from my table mate.  It was her mother's.

NOT an icing fan, but cake was delicious.

No dancing except the first dance for the bride and groom.  The music was a singer with a guitar -- very nice.  I had a fun table -- all peeps from VA where we used to live.  

Uber home with no issue.  The driver said she submitted an Uber direction correction for the venue for future issues (all the Ubers had the same problem).

Next day I called for an Uber to the airport super early -- just in case.  No traffic because I was so early and the driver spoke Spanish.  Got a little Spanish speaking in -- proud of myself.  It wasn't my best because I was tired I had trouble thinking straight, but I did it.

Flight home was no problem either.  Found the car hubby parked, battled traffic but home by dinner time.

And that's a wrap.  I'm very glad I went and I'm even glad everything wasn't perfect -- building up braver chomps for future adventures.  

Today is a hardy day of re-entry.  I'm also learning I need that after a big trip.  It's not just the actually trip, but the lead up that leaves me needed some downtime so I don't have a crash and burn.

Have a great day.  Later gators.

Sunday Morning Adventures -- 2 of 3

So where were we ... lol.

Sunday morning was cool and crisp -- maybe even a little chilly.  I decided to take a couple hour walk around the Cherry Creek area and find a coffee place to land.  Beautiful tree-lined streets and plenty of safe walking.  I figured the shopping wouldn't be open on a Sunday morning, but I was wrong (turns out the area gets a big brunch crowd so the stores open early).

I headed in the direction of CVS because my toenail polish came off my big toe (that's NEVER happened to me).  I wondered if I could find something similar to fix it before the wedding.  I found an exact match and a few more makeup goodies too.  My fanny pouch was full.

Next "find" of the walk was a Farmer's Market that was just setting up.  The juice vendor gave me sample after sample to try -- organic blends, no sugar.  We had a good conversation and I bought a juice just because I felt bad trying so many without buying.  (I ended up not drinking it though.)  I also stopped at a local artist booth.  I'll check her stuff out online since I didn't have room to bring anything back with me.  UPDATE:  Didn't buy anything because all online stuff was alcohol related ... and you know my story on focusing on non-buffering stuff.

On the way back, a local boutique store was open, but my pouch was full and I was holding a sticky juice bottle.  I decided to walk a mile back to the hotel, put the stuff away and head back to the store.  Why not?!?  Doing something just because I want to do it and I still had plenty of walking time left.

It was worth it!  Lots of little goodies.  Here are pictures of the goodies I found from some local shops along the walk.  I asked a store keeper about being open early on a Sunday and she told me because of the brunch crowd.

Gifts.  Made in CO out of
used yoga mats.

Brining it to Asheville.
Pretty dishtowel

Lots of fun little things.
Angels are for gifts.

Funny thing is I couldn't find a coffee shop with outdoor seating (not one of the zillions I passed) and I needed to eat something before the wedding.  I thought about Whole Foods again, but then I decided to look for a brunch place.  Even though I was dressed in workout clothes, I wasn't sweaty so why not and I planned to eat outside.

I found True Food -- perfect outdoor seating with lots of people watching.  Food is plant forward with tons of GF.  I mentioned to the waiter that I wished I lived closer and he asked where I was living -- turns out 2 locations in ATL.  One is in my area.  That's why it looks so familiar -- just opened a few months ago.  Glad I made "stranger" conversation again.

Charred cauliflower with great flavors.
Vegan squash soup -- never had a better one.
Side of tofu for some protein.
Green tea iced tea.

When I opened my phone, my gf had texted about lunch this week -- perfect timing.  But alas, this is the cancel friend and she's already canceled this morning lol -- looks like takeout for me this week instead!  That soup was my favorite bite this trip and now I can get it at home (!!)

Back to the hotel for wedding prep ...

Lots to Recap -- 1 of 3

Home sweet home.   

Lots to chat about -- it was a great trip.  I'm not sure how to "organize" the recap, but I'll start at the beginning.  Lots of little (maybe boring) details because those are the things that made me proud how I showed up and the things that made the trip memorial to me. 

The outbound flight was fine -- no delays, seat partners were fine (I had a window which isn't my favorite), masked up.  It took me a minute to figure out the Uber pickup in Denver, but (of course) I figured it out.  The driver was nice, but no English or Spanish so I didn't get to use the "lessons" from Platonic on making (however brief) social connections.

The Hotel Clio was amazing.  Fancy pants for sure -- lots of big name stores, beautiful area.  Greeted with sparkling wine and mimosas -- I passed because I'm trying to experience things with less buffering.  Checked in, unpacked and asked myself what I would do as my FS.  Answer -- take an Uber to the vintage stores I had looked up and stop for an outdoor lunch.  The Uber driver was deaf (I remembered a few basic signs to say "yes" and "thank you") so again no conversation. The vintage store neighborhood was ROUGH though and the stores weren't what I imagined.  I decided to walk the few miles back since it's all sidewalks and that was a mistake.  Lots of homeless and I felt exposed.  Once I got back into the Cherry Creek area, the area was fine -- although I was hot and sweaty and super tired.  

Local church.

Hotel gift at checkin.
Not painting this one though :)

I passed a Whole Foods so I stopped for lunch and ate at the cafe outside.  By that time it was only a couple of hours until dinner and I didn't want to fill up too much with a meal at a restaurant.

I was back to the hotel feeling deflated.  So much for my "adventure" -- strike one on vintage stores, strike two on restaurant lunch.  I sat with the heating pad (my back was hurting from the flight) and regrouped.  If I hadn't made dinner reservations, I would've stayed at the hotel for dinner.

Uber to restaurant (no English again) and the directions took me to an apartment complex.  The driver said there was no restaurant in the area.  Seriously?!?!  I KNEW I had reservations and this was the address so I got out and told him I was fine to figure it out.

Sure enough, it was right around the corner.  Before I even got to the door, they opened and welcomed me inside.  I asked how they knew -- said they can tell by people's lost expressions lol.

Somebody People -- vegan, plant forward, no "replacement" vegan (i.e. burgers, Mac and cheese veganized).  Since I was solo, they asked me to sit at the bar.  The stools looked uncomfortable for my back and they were super close together.  I explained that I made an early reservation so I could have a table -- no problem (everyone was super nice).  I never would've asked before -- FS for another win.  

So cute!

Peach mocktail.

Local pickles and veggies.

Mushroom and polenta.
Incredible flavor.

Mocktail #2
Herb infused -- really unexpected flavor.

Pear cake with lime -- GF too.

The restaurant got full very fast because they had just changed to the fall menu and so many people were coming to try it.  A couple with a 5 month old baby got seated next to me.  It was a bit awkward because I felt like I was ease dropping on their conversation and it was hard to people watch without looking in their direction (my table was in the corner).  BUT ... I made a rule of no-phone scrolling during my solo meals.  Take pictures, call Uber, etc -- but don't hide with the phone.  I let the uncomfortable feeling be there and did my thing and it was fine.

As I was finishing up, I was talking to the waiter and Asheville came up.  Turns out the people next to me love Asheville and were going to a wedding next weekend.  We chatted vegan restaurants and had a nice 10 minute conversation.  Yea -- I got over the strange feelings and had a good night WITH a little stranger conversation too.  

Uber back and the driver spoke English.  First thing he said -- were you in that restaurant?? His mom loves vegan, but they go to another place in the city.  How did you ever find this?  He needs to take his mom.  AND he commented on how cool it was that I made my own little adventure.  I told him about my day and he explained the area I should explore on Sunday.  

I asked him about catching and Uber to and from the wedding and he said no problem.  It might take a bit to get an Uber back, but it'll be fine getting there.  Spoiler alert -- IT WAS NOT FINE haha!  Stay tuned for Day 3 recap.

The end of the evening felt like redemption.  I stuck with my plans -- some good, some not so good.  Made a point to ask for what I needed.  Let uncomfortable be there.  Got some "stranger" conversation connections.  Had a great meal at an off-beat restaurant.  Didn't buffer with alcohol or phone.  Didn't chicken out even when my adventure spirit fizzled out for a bit.

Next post (this is already too long) -- Sunday morning.  Later gators.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

CO or Bust

Travel day (!!)  I'm packed, prepared and ready to go.  I'm trying to focus on the fun of the day and not the things I'm dreading (airport, all carryon, mask, dehydrated from travel, Ubers).  None of them are a big deal.  I AM focusing on the fun of the weekend.

I'm really excited for the restaurant tonight.  I'm also happy that sleep won't be a big issue this weekend.  I'll be nicely paced both nights -- that rarely happens on a getaway.  This is me doing the things that worry me and that's a FS win.  

And, of course, I'm looking forward to the wedding, meeting my DIL's family and being included in such a big day.  (Plus wedding cake!)

I have a couple of updates on things ...

My girlfriend decided not to come to Asheville in October (did I mention this already?).  I felt that coming and I'm not at all upset.  It was another "it'll be fun if it happens" but tons of work to make it happen during a full travel season for me.

I really like the book, Platonic.  I'm over halfway, but I'm leaving it at home.  It was a tough decision because it's so timely in my life right now.  Issues with my bff, how to be social (this trip), etc.  I'm leaving it because I'm packed to the gils and I'll finish reading it in less than an hour.  This means it's dead carry weight.  And, I'm totally second guessing myself right now.  The book is a really good pep talk for a weekend like this ... hmmm.

I got SNS on my fingers yesterday.  I want to do SNS for our trip to Hawaii, but I haven't had it on in over 2 1/2 years.  I thought I'd trial it because the nail tech I used before left for another career --she was awesome and not all techs do it well. This is okay -- I kept asking her to make it thinner though.  My nails feel heavy, but it's nice not to baby them.  I got a very light pink with a little shimmer (Princess Rue).  This was a mixed feeling going back, but I'll only do it for specific trips.

Fingers crossed for a fun weekend.  Later gators.

Friday, September 16, 2022

The Day Before

Travel nerves are solidly in place.  I get all "what if this," "what if that" before I travel.  And travel that disrupts my sleep really gets my panties in a bunch.  I have to get up super early tomorrow for the flight so that means all systems are a bit messed up.  

I didn't sleep well last night because hubby snored.  I know tonight is going to be iffy since I'm already worried about too little sleep.  It's fun being inside my head lol.

Good news is pre-packing went well.  I should be able to fit everything in a carryon.  

I have a full first half of the day, but I'm hoping to get things finished so I can mentally relax (distract myself) in the afternoon.

Even though this is a little trip, I have a lot of details to manage.  Dogs set up for youngest to sit, house (and food) ready for youngest, hubby needed some things ahead of his trip, remembering all the details for my stuff.  Wouldn't it be a dream to take a trip where I just pack a few things and left?!?!  Always work in order for pleasure as a woman.

And, most importantly, I need to remember to show up as my future self.  I already helped her along -- reservations for dinner Saturday night at a high end vegan restaurant.  This is TOTALLY a FS thing to do. I'm excited to go (a bit nervous about getting Ubers with the shortages), but I'm not letting irrational worry stop me from doing what I want to do.  Making the reservation means I don't talk myself out of it tomorrow.

I don't have a lot of time on Saturday.  I won't get to the hotel until noon-ish and might not be able to check in right away.  I thought about a visit to the Botanical Gardens, but that felt rushed.  Saturday will be walking around window shopping and an Uber to an early dinner -- perfect.  Sunday is a power walk in the morning, coffee shop with good people watching and get ready for the wedding.  I need to call an Uber at 2 o'clock so that's about all I'll have time to do.  I don't want to feel rushed get ready.

I finally did rock painting yesterday -- it's been a minute and I missed it.

That's all from here.  Duke and I are heading to the park for a workout this morning so I need to get moving.  Have a great day.  Later gators.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

El Jueves

The trip is on the horizon and I'm getting my usual travel nerves.  It's not helping that I have morning pushes 3 days in a row.  Remember when I didn't sleep past 4 o'clock?  That's changed these days.  I got up a little before 5 o'clock this morning and it feels like the butt crack of dawn.

I shouldn't complain because the morning pushes are because workouts are back in business.  I'm super grateful for it.

Hair appointment this morning.  I've been ON my to-do list, but I forgot to practice an updo hair for the wedding.  It's only an issue because keratin treatment today means I can't practice before I leave.  It's not a big deal, but I need to remember to pack everything I need.

I'm starting packing today so I can see if everything fits for a carryon.  This takes HUGE pressure off tomorrow since I want to have a chill afternoon -- energy conservation is clutch.  Funny thing I thought of this morning -- I'm only going to be gone one day.  I'll be at home both Saturday and Monday.  Only Sunday is a gone all-day day.  Mountain out of a molehill.  Geez.  I'm out of practice.

I started the book about friendships and it's good so far.  I'm also only taking 2 books on the trip -- no way I'm reading 3 books.  I want to be present, people watch, etc.  Books are great for plane ride, but rest of the trip is about having a heads up and enjoying around me.  

That's all from here.  I'll leave with a smidge of inspiration from IG ...  later gators.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Getting Closer

Two productive days in a row -- but I have a quieter day today.

Duke and I ran in the park and it felt like a fall morning.  It was my biggest push since the injury -- 2 miles straight, 1 minute walk and the final jog mile.  We cooled down for another mile and a half walk.  I'm (we) were beat after.  It's interesting to me how much more jogging takes out of my body than other cardio workouts.  I'm tired, but in a good way.  Just arms and stretching this morning.

I did the dress returns which you start online and then take to the store.  Apparently, it takes 24 hours to hit their system though and this makes me nervous.  I dropped the dresses and have to have faith they process the return.  I got a note and signature from the manager.  Fingers crossed.  I don't want this be a refund battle.

A few other little errands and house chores rounded out the morning.

I made a stop at my favorite boutique store to find a little clutch for the wedding.  Everything I have is black or too formal for the style dress.  I like it a lot -- leather, but woven so it's a good fall look.  The handle makes it easy to carry.  I'm wearing tan shoes so it coordinates nicely.  I ended up with a few other goodies -- fall candles, sweater and pumpkins for Asheville.

Just fits my cell phone and glasses.
Looks bigger in this picture.

Soft cotton.
Wears like a blazer

Nest.  Pricy, but smell and burn great.
Pumpkin Latte

For the kitchen island in Asheville.

Today is lunch with the friend of "that hike" fame.  We're back to a lunch-only friendship lol.  I have a couple more to-dos on the list and that's the day.  Packing starts tomorrow.  The more prepared I am, the less nervous I am.  The trip is getting closer.  Thankfully, even though I'm nervous, I'm also feeling excited too.

Have a great day.  Later gators.