Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Weekend Recovery

It's going to take a good solid week to recover from the last two.  

I'm tanked.

What did I learn??  A bunch of things NOT to do to keep my energy feeling good, but we had a great time and I'm taking notes and moving forward.

The hike was the real deal.  5 miles of HIKING, not a walk in the woods.  Rock scrambles, water crossings.  It lasted 2 hours longer than I thought -- the actual hike was 4 hours.  Then 2 hours of travel time.  We didn't BBQ the burgers until 9 o'clock at night (one of my "notes" lol).  It was totally worth it though.  Most amazing views and tons of challenging fun.  I'd do it again in a heartbeat. 

Some notes on what I learned when the house is FULL ...

Simplify the food -- more takeout and pre-made.
Don't leave the same day as everyone else.  Way too much to clean.  I have a car full of sheets, towels, etc to wash here because we didn't have time.  Also, consider second sheet set for each bed.
Set-up my stuff first.  Otherwise, I'm too tired to give myself what I need.
Ask for more help.
Schedule more downtime. 
Keep the trip shorter.
Don't fall face-first into SWEETS because I'm tired and have nothing prepared for me.
Go to bed earlier.

Today is an ease-into-it recovery day.  Nothing too crazy.  Lots of chores.  Catch up on some self-care stuff.  Veggies and plant proteins.  Back in full action tomorrow.  Hubby might be canceling his business trip because of the storm hitting FL.  I wanted a few days to myself, but that might need to wait until next week.  I'm happy to have a little breathing space either way.

Until tomorrow ... later gators.

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