Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Thought Work

My energy is SLOWLY rebounding.  The Peloton ride still felt unusually hard, but I finished.  I hope today feels better.  I'm back to my regular sleeping hours and that feels good too.

As far as my mood -- right now it's showing up as anxiety, I'm working on managing my THOUGHTS.  Every time I feel "worried" or spun-up, I remember it's just a thought causing the feeling.  Change the thought, lessen (or relieve) the feeling.

Especially since these feelings aren't feelings over real things.  It's all made-up stuff in my brain.  I'm working on not giving any airtime to hogwash thoughts.  Easier said than done, but it IS helping.

Eating is back on track too.  Specifically, not snacking all night.  That seems to be a big help in the sleep area as well.

I'm probably picking up our new foster on Wednesday and that's giving me all the anxiety.  What did I do?  There goes my sleep.  My dogs are going to be so upset.  I don't have the energy to do this right now.  If only she wasn't coming until after our weekend in Asheville.  ALL THOUGHTS.  All thoughts that I can change.  When they pop up, I remind myself they aren't true and I choose other thoughts that feel better.  

I've always handled it before.
She'd be sitting in shelter in pain.
My dogs always adjust.
I'm feeling better.
I will totally love her.
Asheville weekend is just a chore weekend (cleaning) -- have to try bringing a foster sometime.
Fostering feels good.
This is worth it.

I changed the Self Coaching 20 minute session to today because of the new foster and possible pickup Wednesday or Thursday.  I don't have a question worked out yet, but I'll think of something.  It ends up being helpful even if I think I don't "need" it.

I'm walking with an old neighbor this morning.  Weather was iffy, but looks like it'll be fine.  I'm also doing an afternoon run to Trader Joe's.  I've been eating my frozen veggie stash that accumulated over the quarantine and I'm finally cleaned out.  Time to restock.  Planned that later in the week, but not knowing a foster pickup date, it's best to get this done today.

Yesterday I made 2 kinds of plant protein burgers.  Black bean and chickpea.  I'm freezing the black bean -- southwest style and they cooked well.  The chickpea ones don't hold together, but are tasty.  Tahini and cilantro flavored.  I ate them over lettuce I GREW IN MY GARDEN (!!)  Yea!  But it's time to finish the lettuce and let it go until another planting for fall.  I have enough for one more salad today.  

I'll do a garden and plant update soon.  I'm wrapping up some things and added others.

On the book front ... I'm reading The Last Time I Lied (Riley Sager).  So far it's a fun suspense book, but you know it will all come down to the ending.  Fingers crossed it stays clever.

That's all from here.  Have a great day.  Later gators.

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