Thursday, July 29, 2021

Dog Days

My bed is covered with 4 sleeping dogs on Minky Couture blankets -- not a bad way to start the day :)

Polly is at the vet where she's getting treatment.  Bless her sweet little self -- I think the vetting team did her a disservice waiting on the dental.  It was more about scheduling than about her renal function.  Now she has a raging infection on top of everything else.  Can't wait to get her back here and recovering.

We have plans this weekend -- happy hour evening with good friends on Saturday.  They're babysitting their one year old grandchild, so it'll be a bit of a distracted visit, but should be fun.

We were supposed to have another couple over for dinner on Sunday after a scheduling mixup on her end for last weekend.  I texted to confirm before I grocery shopped and she cancelled again ("postpone").  I already told her we don't have a weekend date until September and we've been trying to get together since before COVID.  Reason ... wants to have a family dinner with her grown daughters WHO LIVE WITH THEM.  Seriously?  When were you going to tell me?  If you scheduled something different, why did I have to reach out to you??  The last text said she put it on her calendar.  I didn't realize it was just pencilled in.  Glad I didn't prep anything.  Boundary is now firmly in place -- no more invites on my end.  We'll be glad to meet them outdoors somewhere or go to their house, but I can't tell you how many times she's done this all COVID long.  We tried many times for an outdoor happy hour and "better boating plans" always came up and she canceled.  BTW, she initiates getting together (i.e. them coming over) so it's not like I'm not getting THAT hint.  Ugh.  This was a rant.  Guess I'm still hot over it.  

Funny that I'm all up in arms over the cancelation, but the reality is I wasn't looking forward to the prep.  I would've enjoyed the evening, but the work leading up to it wasn't thrilling to me.  Part of me is relieved so why am I also mad/hurt/disappointed?  Geez.

Okay, dogs are now up and barking so time to get moving.  Have a great day -- later gators.

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