Friday, July 16, 2021

Calm before the Storm

Even though this has been a chillin' kind of week, I've been all amped up over a lot of nothing.  Now the chill is going away and I wonder how I'll feel.

Picking up Polly today and I'm full of worry about it.  Dang.  I need to control some false thoughts.  Every single old medical female dog makes the list of my most favorite fosters.  Why should she be any different?  Instead, I think thoughts like ... she's going to pee all over ... she'll never get adopted ... she'll never get medically cleared (already it's 6 weeks) ... I'm going to be exhausted for months ... she's way bigger than I thought so this will be hard.   Spent time yesterday controlling those thoughts, but they're stubborn.  

Hubby and I decided to head to Asheville on Sunday instead of tomorrow.  We're going to check on the house, clean and have the exterminator appointment.  No need to be there all weekend.  This will give everyone time to settle for a day before the drive -- including hubby.  It'll be a jammed pack 2 days, but that seems to be our best option.

I gave my dogs new bones yesterday and they both barfed all afternoon.  They seemed well by evening so I don't think it's anything serious.  Bummer.  Cleaning rugs, blankets, dog baths, etc.  Preview of what's to come?!?!

I know a good deal of my feelings of overwhelm and such come from having lower energy.  It's better, but not great yet.  The thought of doing "so much" feels exhausting before I even start.  I'm determined to get back to feeling good again.  

I took Monti to the vet for a couple of straggler vaccinations and then we stopped at the farmer's stand where I bought the tomato and cucumber plants.  He has incredible heirloom tomatoes and cucumbers -- what a difference summer fresh makes.  I ate one of the tomatoes and, as they say, it was like candy.  Perfect!

I'm going to use this next week to practice managing my thoughts.  How can I be "tired" ahead of time for things coming up the next couple of weeks?  THOUGHTS.  Thoughts that anticipate negative things, thoughts that compound all-the-things into one lump of stress, thoughts that don't serve me at all.  Staying present helps too.

Polly pictures coming tomorrow.  Prepare your hearts :)  Have a great day.  Later gators.

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