Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Home Sweet Home

We did it.  All the chores finished.  Good thing we didn't go up early to organize paint cans (they are in a storage area under the house) because it was torrential rains all weekend.  Can't do the paint until we can pull everything out on the patio and we need it to be dry.  Overnight was just enough time.  Exterminator came, house is clean ... all is well.

The neighbor who is always MIA to invites and ghosts texts, dropped off a really thoughtful gift.  Picture frame like the ones I have -- perfect, kitchen tools from Williams Sonoma and cards that her artist friend made.  She also picked a purple/blue hydrangea from her garden which I brought home.  That was a sweet surprise (belated b-day gift).

Polly was fine taking the trip, but we're watching her for an upper respiratory infection vs allergies.  Little gal is sneezing and a bit snotty.  She's too old and sick to let something fester.  She slept fine last night so it might be Asheville allergies like Monti gets sometimes.  Might need a vet visit this week though.

We got home, unpacked and I headed to the vegetable farmer's stand for more tomatoes and such.  Incredible produce.  It was a bit picked through that late in the day, but I ended up chatting with the farmer.  He gave me his organic fertilizer to use on my cucumber plant and some good planting advice for next year.  Awesome!!  This is a slow, slow garden hobby -- enough to enjoy, not so much to be overwhelmed.  Man, I'd love to have a vegetable garden someday though.  

Most of this week is nothing much and I'm glad of it.  That said, some sneaky "work" will probably slip in.  Inviting friends to dinner this weekend -- if they come, that's work.  Might need to drive to the far away vet if Polly is sick.  Things like that, but at least the calendar starts mostly open.

Energy is still wonky.  Dang.  Need to do a little more figuring out.

I hear dogs up and hubby will need help with three.  Have a great Tuesday.  Later gators.

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