Thursday, April 29, 2021

Shoulder Pain

Last night right before bed, I started having sharp left shoulder pain that radiates down my chest.  It feels like a gas bubble kind of pain.  I'm not concerned it's heart related because it's so sharp -- like nerve aggravation.

It's really bothering me.  I hope moving around helps this morning.  I slept fine and I expected it to be gone this morning, but it's not.  Not muscle pain -- which means it should go away quickly.  It's hard to take a deep breath.  If it gets worse, I'll have to cancel volunteering this morning.

Dentist is OVER - yea!  It took longer for the cleaning because of the extra time interval, but all is good now.  Got all my grocery shopping done at Target and then a quick stop at Costco.  I squeezed 10 lbs of limes for this weekend.  (Other arm or I'd think that's what my pain is about - plus, I've done it many times with nothing but a sore hand.)  Also, grated 2 big parm wedges from Costco.  Packed up all the stuff to take to Asheville.  STILL a car load, but it's getting smaller each time.  Mostly decor stuff and prepped food for the weekend.  I'll grocery shop in Asheville tomorrow, but I didn't want to have to go to multiple stores and try to find a lot of specifics.

Lots of full days in a row and I'm not used to it.  I'm reminding myself over and over -- life isn't a to-do list and don't rush through it all and wish it finished (except the dentist lol).  Also, there is NOTHING problematic with having a full schedule of fun, good things.  This limited belief is imprinted deep and hard -- I have to keep practicing at viewing it a different way.

Figuring out how to water a veggie "garden" is hard.  Each day's weather is different and I don't know if I'm getting it right.  Lots of random, non-gardener people grow a few plants -- it can't be THIS picky, right?!?!  I'll keep on trying to figure it out.  Going out of town so frequently doesn't help either.  And, I know once the plants mature they can handle variances better.  I google and google and it's not very helpful.  Stay tuned ...

Best get going this morning.  Both today and tomorrow are extra early days.  Have a happy day and stay well.  Later gators.

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