Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Family Day

Today is brought to me by VACCINATIONS.

I'm spending a couple of hours with my aunties.  One local, one from out of town, all of us vaccinated. We're meeting at an outdoor flea market.  I'll be masked (not sure about them -- they are looser than I am with regulations, most people are).  I'm passing on the indoor lunch at a winery after -- no indoors yet (especially in GA).  

Tomorrow I'm volunteering for the Medical Reserve Corp to administer vaccines.  I'm oddly a little nervous.  I get this way with any new experience.  Will people be welcoming?  Will I figure out where to park?  Where to go?  I have no instructions on anything ... water breaks, bathrooms, badge, etc.  Should I bring food?  Should I eat before I go?  I'm not concerned about giving the shot -- could do that in my sleep.  Once I have the first experience and know what to expect, I'll be fine.  Enneagram 6ing HARD (as I do).  I probably won't sleep well tonight.  Might take a test drive over this afternoon to see the logistics -- that will help.

Hubby comes home for an overnight tonight.  He's getting his vaccine tomorrow and heading back to NC. The mass site he's going to is halfway to Asheville so he figured that makes sense.  Only downside is I signed up to volunteer expecting him to be home.  Dogs home alone until early afternoon is a push for Monti.  Guess we'll see what happens and if I can leave him for just over 5 hours.  

Saw this yesterday -- lots of peeps reposting.  It's good.  I'm holding a few lately that are tough, but necessary.

This is another "big" couple of weeks for me.  Anything feels big after a year in quarantine -- so there's that LOL.  Back to reminding myself this is GOOD.  This is FUN.  This is what I deliberately created.  This is NOT a task list to complete and wish away.  Out with aunties, volunteering, drive to Asheville with pups (both ways) and home to volunteer again on Monday.  Then back to Asheville to stay the week myself (and dogs and neighborhood bears) waiting for the Peloton delivery.  This will be the first time in the house alone with all electronics and such new to me (not an easy learn).  Putting on my big girl panties though.  Yep -- fun, good, productive.  And a little scary for my Enneagram 6 brain.  Good news is I don't let that worry stop me from doing anything, but I can let the worry stop me from enjoying it.  It's like holding my breath until it's all over -- then I'm glad I did it.  I want to be glad I did it AND enjoy the process.  I'm trying ... 

Because uncertainty is all over the map this week, I'm fretting over workouts too.  Things are timing strange and I don't know how to finagle everything.  Weird thing for me to be so wishy-washy over.  Get a little nervous and then everything feels nervous worthy.  One thing I know, meditation is a must to calm my charged up brain.

That's all the rambling from here.  Have a good day and stay well.  Later gators.

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