Sunday, April 18, 2021

Good to be Home

I say this every time and I hope it continues -- love to go, love to come back.  The dogs give a big sigh when we get back too.  Both go to their favorite spots and sleep most of the day. 

My plants survived, but there's a problem with the greens.  They aren't growing at all.  I think they bonked and I need to start over.  Did I water too much?  Maybe I'll buy some small plants from the farmer's stand and try something different.  I'm so bummed.  The herbs are "developing" but not exacting big yet -- leaves are maturing and new sprouts are happening.  

I'll google more on all of this and see what the options are -- I hate to give up on the buggers if they just need a little time.

My new Peloton is MUCH easier to ride -- the resistance is calibrated differently than the other bike.  I googled this and it's common.  Nothing to be done -- they don't recommend you try to make changes.  Makes me wonder which one is off -- is my first bike extra hard?  I've wondered how some of the ranges are possible.  It's no actual problem as I ride to effort level anyway.  I also ended up with a slightly different seat adjustment so I'll change this bike over and see if that makes a difference.  When I see the instructors ride, they look higher than I sit so maybe my legs aren't at the optimal angle.  I'm curious.

I'm wholly focused on managing the transition to this AFTER time.  I'm wobbly at it.  When life feels like life BEFORE, I automatically go back to the way I was before.  I was working on changing that before the pandemic -- and I did -- and now it's too easy to slip back to old habits.

Part of the issue is the new house.  I don't have a morning routine set yet and that's a keystone to my day.  Setting up the basement with the Peloton and a meditation spot is helping.  I don't have a place to journal and I miss that in the mornings.  I like journaling to be private so I have to think how to make it happen.  Also, with the crazy showers, I don't start with a cold shower.  I notice a difference.  We're going to spend too much time there to not have a routine.

Maybe it would be fun to work on a different routine in Asheville -- a mix of new and old.  Something to think about.

I want to hold a priority (or at least a partial focus) on the simple "joys" and slowing down.  Cooking plant based meals, trying new foods, growing things (work in progress lol), reading, walks, nature, etc.

Also, as things pickup, I need to continue reminding myself that the FALSE BELIEF about being "busy" isn't true in my life now.  Busy doesn't equal overwhelmed and burnout.  I'm busy with things I WANT to do -- not busy with the grind of work, climbing a financial ladder, raising kids (homework, sports), etc.  I can "fill" the day and it can still feel comfortable and good.

Have a happy day and stay well.  Later gators.

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